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  1. M

    1St Grow Room/Box Build Advice

    YouTube - How to Grow Marijuana check this out good luck on the grow
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    My First Time Set Up, is it enough?

    check it
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    Say Yes!!

    hello hello Michigan is up for becoming the 13th medical marijuana state! patients can have 2.5 ounces and 12 plants in an enclosed space SAY YES on Prop 1 !!
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    HPS in rubbermaid growbox

    does it have to be a big rubbermaid container ? YouTube - How to Grow Marijuana
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    How's this looking, need anything else? check that out
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    growing sativa indoors?

    this helped me- i watched the whole thing. heres a preview YouTube - How to Grow Marijuana hope it helps
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    List of Materials Anything I missed???

    YouTube - How to Grow Marijuana =)
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    13th state to become GREEN!!!

    Novemeber 4th ballot for Michigan residents- Voting YES on Prop 1 can make Michigan the 13th medical marijuana approved state! YAY!! come on Prop 1 !! and for good measure, here are some links about med. marijuana and Michigan's comp. care
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    Michigan to become GREEN!!

    Novemeber 4th ballot for Michigan residents- Voting YES on Prop 1 can make Michigan the 13th medical marijuana approved state! YAY!! come on Prop 1 !! and for good measure, here are some links about med. marijuana and Michigan's comp. care
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    any tips on growing

    this site has helped me a TON!! Home
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    Perrrfect!! Dontcha think?

    I have had AWESOME success on my plants. Growing nice and strong and FAT!! this forum site has helped. best source of info that ive found was from i'll post pics soon!!!
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    total grow room diy tutorial

    Hello hello This is a great source for diy grow rooms and a complete tutorial on growing from seeds to harvesting: they also have a good staff for asking questions to as well.
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    $15,000 Where do I start

    heres a great dvd how to set up a total grow room. Home good luck!!
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    What would u do

    For indoor growing, you should try its streaming video of DIY and troubleshooting. tons of info about lights
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    shit my niggas

    more probs, There is this awesome grow guide on available online with streaming video and its got all these growing troubleshooting tips on indoor growing and everything you need from seeding to harvesting. i def reccomend it for indoor growing . it even teaches you everything you need to...
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    Grow your own the way YOU like it

    Hello all, we all want exactly what we want from our plants. grow to your own specifications and needs. check out this site for a great growing tutorial Medical Marijuana Education