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  1. G

    Weed and ablify. Weird reaction?

    Yes and no. On Abilify I would have like 6 hours of straight freaking out and no enjoyment. Off of it weed freaks me out a little but then goes into an enjoyable state. But Im kind of an occasional smoker like most of the time when I smoke its after not smoking for a month or two. I might have...
  2. G

    Weed and ablify. Weird reaction?

    Yeah, my psychiatrist told me "it's such a low dose, so I can take you right off" it was like 2.5 mg (not even a whole pill) and he took me right off it. But I'm wondering if the dosage didn't really matter because I smoked purple kush after being on Abilify for over a year, so maybe it worked...
  3. G

    Weed and ablify. Weird reaction?

    So I've been smoking for two years and before last December I didn't get very high but thought I was but since then I realized that all of the time before that I might've just been buzzed a little and I dont know what I was doing wrong before that because I could take like 20 hits and be fine...