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  1. B

    yellow spots on leaves.

    ok, ill try and get pics up tommorrow morning when my lights kick on. if it is nute burn (witch I think it is myself, but this is my first grow so I have no prior experience) what do I do? do I just kick back on the nutes? or do I need to flush and kick back? thanks.
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    yellow spots on leaves.

    also these are only on the upper leaves that are more exposed to the light.
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    yellow spots on leaves.

    I'm using fox farm line of nutes, I'm into 12/12 for about 2 weeks give or take 2 days. some of my leaves on both plants have some yellow spots on them, some have just spots, others look as if the leaf its self is slowly turning yellow. the plant is VERY perky and looks to be very healthy. I've...
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    400W in 3x2x5 tent how many plants?

    i have 2 plants in about the same size tent, im using LST and and some supper cropping, its pretty crowded but i jsut keep tieing down. my plants would prolly be around 6ft tall right now had it not be tied down, im about 2 weeks in to flowering so i have alot more tieing to do :P
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    help!!!! bent top part of stalk in half!!!!

    I'm about a week and a half in to flowering, my plants were getting too tall for my tent so I had to start tieing them down. my biggest plant about 4ft as I was trying to tie her down so that she woudlnt be so tall I bent the stalk in half!!!! will she be ok???? I tied a rope around the upper...
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    a question about bugs

    sir ganga, that is exactly what it they do, I went to the library and got a gardening insect book, springtails seems to be what the problem is, are the ok to leave in my soil? thanks everyone for all your help.
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    a question about bugs

    I am in my first week of flowering, on day 5 or 6, I'm using a mix of 1/3 miracle grow 3 month nutrient, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 vermiculite. I'm using the fox farm line of products for my nutes, and during veg I used 400w MH and now im using 400w HPS for flowering. I am unable to take a picture...
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    a question about bugs

    so, I noticed about 1 month ago that I had some kinda really small bug in my soil that looks white (so small its hard to tell) and it hops. only time I could really see the bugs was when my plants where in the sun lights rays, when I put my MHS on to the plants it was hard to see the bugs with...
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    help!!! plants too tall!!!!!

    aright thanks guys, I think im going to just try and tie them down, I wanted big plants....I gusse I got what I wanted LOL. going to try and tie them down and train them to grow a little crazy. =) should be fun in a 2ftx4ftx5.4ft tent lol!!!! cant wait though!!! hoping to get good harvest...
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    help!!! plants too tall!!!!!

    I'm in my first week of flowering and and realizing that my plants are going to out grow my grow tent. my tent is about 5.4 ft tall, 2 of my plants are now at 2.6 ft tall and im only in 5 days of flowering, the plants growth has increased rapidly since I started 12/12. amd I still able to...
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    rooting gel or powder?

    theres a local store here that sells rooting powder but not gel, will the powder work as well as the gel or should I make the further trip and go to the store that has rooting gel? thanks.
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    aright cool,I'm going to peep out the chart a bit and figure out how much I should do cause bottle said only feed nutes every other watering, and now my plants need a water just about every other day, since the 2 that hit 2ft tall they've been drinking up MUCH more water. so im thinking about...
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    I looked at the chart, so when I want to feed, I use each nute separate correct? if I remember hearing correctly if you mix the nutes in 1 jug it will form a nute that the plant can not use, thus true?
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    thanks 209 cali for the information, you've helpd me out loads today.
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    this is my set up. the reallu up close pic is of my female showing her lil white hair. these where from seed and nothing fancy just a seed from a local bag of reggie.
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    ok, my plants look GREAT from what I can tell and think, ill be posting a pic here in a few. this is my first grow with plants, I've been growing mush for awhile now so I kind some what of a nack for growing things but am still new to plants. as far as the light cycle can I switch it to 12/12 or...
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    how do I do that? do I just split the amount up between the 2 amounts, so if it says 4tsp, use 2 tsp of each nute instead of just 4 tsp of the one?
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    first grow, 4 plants, 400w MH, first real few questions @ 7weeks

    hi guys, I've been doing a grow for close to 2 months now and havnt really had a whole lot of questions thus far. I have 4 plants growing under a 400w MH set up. inside of a 2x4x5.3 ft tent. I'm using fox farm grow big & also just purchased fox farms tiger bloom. I have a few questions that I...
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    Has anyone used the tek at the top (the sticky) "the easy way"

    dabumps, use coco coir and coffe to start out cheap and VERY effective, I can normaly flush out 2+ ounces at least 3 times. that gives me around 6 oz dried off each 12qt tub in the end before i toss them or they contam. you can flush mushies multiple times, after you get your first harvest of...
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    Has anyone used the tek at the top (the sticky) "the easy way"

    1 quart in a 12qt dub tub of penis envys will yeild me 2 oz dried per tub. why would I need to go bigger lol? i can spawn run 1qt in 10 days into 12 qts....then take that 12 qt i know have and fruit it. from jar to finished product it only takes me a lil over a month. that is why I follow the...