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  1. nsanitati0ns

    Moonlight to strong???

    Full moons are common and I really doubt it would affect your darkness/light.
  2. nsanitati0ns

    Possible to grow under a tree canopy?

    The more direct sunlight the more the plant reaches its full potential- Example: i grow tomatoe plants and 5 of them get direct sunlight for about 8 hours and the other gets direct sunlight for 1. The one with 1 hour of direct sunlight has a weak stem and is growing about 40% slower than the...
  3. nsanitati0ns

    asking adivice

    Please explain because i've been bnnging my ladies in an hour before sunset just to make sure they finish out.
  4. nsanitati0ns

    Attention all south east uk growers!!!!!

    if you think ppl are going to come across it I would save yourself the dissapointment and look for another location
  5. nsanitati0ns

    is this soli ok?

    You mainly want to look for soils that have alot of organics in them. Example being Worm castings, Fish emulsion, sea kelp, bone meal, and so on and so forth. The most common used organic potting soil is Foxfarm Ocean Forest which has around 11 ingrediants or so (maybe more). But if that soil...
  6. nsanitati0ns

    My Very First, 08

    I started these real late in the season maybe around the middle of June. The smaller sativa was a clone and the larger Indica(?) was a bagseed from some good nug that I had purchased. I used Jack's Classic All Purpose(20-20-20) for vegging and Jacks Classic Blosson Booster(10-30-20) for...
  7. nsanitati0ns

    are these shrooms?????

    I hope whoever you decide to sell those too finds out and gauges your eyes out.
  8. nsanitati0ns

    First outdoor grow need help!!!

    No need to water once a day unless the soil is drying that fast. Your going to end up causing root rot. I water my Plants that are directly in the ground once every 4 days or so. The potted ones once every 3 days or so.
  9. nsanitati0ns


    just basically dont let the buds soak in water..
  10. nsanitati0ns

    How do you know when its ready?

    Can we stop arguing over the internet. It is very uncool
  11. nsanitati0ns

    1 plant in my backyard

    Can't predict what kind of PIG you'll get but from experience ussually they just pull up the plant and are done with it.
  12. nsanitati0ns

    FLIR in helicopters(outdoor)

    So you think this was spotted because of FLIR and not simplying using your own 2 eyes?
  13. nsanitati0ns

    FLIR in helicopters(outdoor)

    Sounds more like a scare tactic than actual truth. I wouldn't worry too much unless you're growing indoor with lights.
  14. nsanitati0ns

    White Widows (pics)

    Ussually slugs will eat right through the middle of the leaves. Unlike catipillars
  15. nsanitati0ns

    What would be standard police procedure, if they discovered my grow?

    How many plants are you growng? Ussually they just pull them and are done with it. Unless you have a big OP going and not just 2-3 plants.
  16. nsanitati0ns

    droopy leaves?

    Droopy leaves generally mean over-watering. Have you increased your watering lately?
  17. nsanitati0ns

    outdoor plants really droopy help plz

    MJ is pretty resilient for the most part. A few days of extra rain or drought won't hurt it too much. Main thing to worry about is high winds... If you're that worried just put some plastic down so the water washes away from the roots
  18. nsanitati0ns

    Will my plants finish?

    How do I check your grow journal? Clicked your profile and can't find it (i'm new to this site).
  19. nsanitati0ns

    California Light cycle

    Thought LA gets 12/12 around Sept 16.
  20. nsanitati0ns

    Ever have the authorities visit your med patch?

    Yeah I thought your doctor has to sign paperwork for a caregiver to legally grow plants for you.