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  1. Lowkster

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    Who has grown in the cities? Any good ideas...Im in Minneapolis...Rite smack dab in the middle..haha!
  2. Lowkster

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    Naw...its a waste of time for a cop to do a flyover in Minnesota. They do flyover but they are flying over based on info given frim a SNITCH!
  3. Lowkster

    Guerilla grow in State Park or State forest?

    Yeah 420god...i think your rite! I live in the cities so Ime not to knowledgeable about privately owned wooded! Do you know how I could go about getting that kind of info? You think the cartels are as far north as minnesota?
  4. Lowkster

    Guerrilla Guide

    This is good info balzac! Looking forward to your next chapters. I was thinking bout something...Has anyone tried collecting snow and using that to water your plants? You know like putting snow into a huge trash can ..letting it melt and then using that? Ha! I just thought bout that when balzac...
  5. Lowkster

    Guerilla grow in State Park or State forest?

    Im way up north so im not worried about the mafia! appreciate the concerns tho.. Where I live I have never seen a way up north so cops arent really looking for guerilla grows. Yeah good point about the animals tho..there probably are alot in a state park or forest! Any other...
  6. Lowkster

    Guerilla grow in State Park or State forest?

    Hello to all guerilla growers! Has anyone had success growing in a state park? Obviously its risky but has anyone had success? There has to be plenty of land that goes untouched in those huge parks.. Any advice would be cool! Thanks and a plus rep to ALL who can help me out!
  7. Lowkster

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    So when is everyone putting there babies in the ground? June? When do plants start flowering in this cold ass state anyways...?
  8. Lowkster

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    Hey boomer bloomer! How did your outdoor grow go when u lived in shoreview?..Just curious...hehe
  9. Lowkster

    MN Outdoor 2010

    Catmando....where do u live?...
  10. Lowkster

    Male, Female or too early?

    Im gonna mail u a cigar!!!!!...Its a boy!!!!
  11. Lowkster

    Curling leaves!!!!!!!

    I have a few plants that are 12 days into flowering...t hey are both curling real bad!!!!..they are curling inwards. I thought I was overwatering them but that wasnt the problem...I let them dry out and it seemed get worse!!!!!....My ph is at like 6.2-6.5...My two plants are deffinately...
  12. Lowkster


    Yeah..i know..risky is rite
  13. Lowkster


    I am currently on my 10th day of flowering...i lost my lite timer so i have been manually shutting off my lights...will there be major problems if Im off by a half hour or so wen im shutting my lights off?...will my plants hermie? So really my plants are getting an extra half hour of light...
  14. Lowkster

    400wat hps and MH for flowering?

    Thanks for the advice man!!!...Any more input anyone?...
  15. Lowkster

    400wat hps and MH for flowering?

    Im currently flowering with a 400 watthps and a 400watt mh...Am i wasting energy by using the mh?...or will the mh make a diference, giving me a bigger yield?...I ask because I know that mh's arent too efficient for flowering....just need some advice!!!!
  16. Lowkster

    Conversion bulb

    I have a 400watt hps conversion bulb to mh..can I use this bulb with my mh ballast?..
  17. Lowkster

    Two 400watt m.h. lamps!..Too much light for seedlings?

    Does it make sense to put two 400 watt mh lamps over my 45 seedlings?.. If i just use one of my 400 watters will that be ok?..At what point should I add the other lamp?...Thanks fir any seedlings are days old!!!!
  18. Lowkster

    How long have u vegged in 3gallon pot?

    How long are people vegging in 3gallon pots?...
  19. Lowkster

    One gallon pot...How much will it yield?

    So realistically..How many grams do you think you will get dried off the one plant in the quart of dirt?
  20. Lowkster

    One gallon pot...How much will it yield?

    How long did you veg for?