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  1. S

    1st time Grow...Might as well start fresh and clean...Organic

    you should make a grow journal im on the same track as you and i would like to see pics of your set up and keep an eye on your grow
  2. S

    Need help building medical setup

    thamks for the pics guys thats exactly what i was thinking about building but i want to grow 100% organic buds and i dont really want to mess with measuring nuts. Is it that hard it just seems like a pain in the ass. very nice set up though
  3. S

    Need help building medical setup

    thanks for the advice guys thats great
  4. S

    Need help building medical setup

    alright so i live in colorado and am currently in the process of getting my medical license which allows me to grow six plants, with no more than three flowering. So i was thinking of building two seperate chambers and Flower two plants in organic soil mix. Then i would have two different...
  5. S

    questions about pre-fab grow boxes????

    they dont seem like they would be very smell proof are they? or if i could install a CARBON FILTER if so how much would it be fr the complete set up? fans, ducting, lights, etc. just an estimate would be nice but it def cant smell alot as i live in an apartment complex and advice would be...
  6. S

    questions about pre-fab grow boxes????

    thanks for the advise man ill giveem a look
  7. S

    questions about pre-fab grow boxes????

    ok so i am in the market for a pre-fab grow box i have been looking at the sunlight shed abd the super closets. my question about these is which will grow a taller plant I LOVE SATIVAS and would like enough room to let them fully mature. which one of these would be my best bet? or is there...