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  1. A

    This Happened Over Night HELP!

    My plants went through 4 days of hard rain and they were okay yesterday. This is what I saw today. Brown burnt curled up leaves on my buds and 3 plants have little balck bugs all over them if you enlarge the photo's with my hands in them you will see the bugs. Please Help what should I do?? Will...
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    Ran Question

    Sorry one more thing...I have been fertilizing with 10-54-10 it is Schutz fertilizer. I do it every other day and then the days between I am using molasses. Is this wrong??? My plants are in the garden and the garden has black plastic this keeps the roots warm at night. My plants have passes the...
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    Ran Question

    I posted pictures of some of my plants in another thread if you could look I would appreciate. My question is...What about all those big Fan leaves all over the plant? Can I trim them off so the bottom buds get exposure??? I think the fan leaves are helping with the rain, not sure. It rained for...
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    Photo's please look

    So if I see mold I should carefully prone the mold out??? Does this effect the rest of the plant and the flower time? Also how do you know it is Sativa??? What is the differnce between Sativa and Indica anyway???? As I said these plants come from seeds out of a bag of smoke my neighbor had. I...
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    Photo's please look

    I took the covers off the plants it is now raining. The last pic I think is bud mold. I have many more pictures please advise I am going to get rain for 4 days. I think I have a lot more flower time to go. Do you think they will mold from the rain. I planted them a month late also and have no...
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    Plants are coverd

    But the rain is not here yet now it won't be here until later tofay. The plastic is that white/clear stuff. Can I water them or will the condensation get up under the plastic. Are they okay to leave covered even if it isn't raining yet. My forcast goes as this. Friday rain up to one inch and...
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    Please help

    I am into my 7th week of flowering and I live in New England. We are due to have 4 straight days of wind and rain. I put up stakes today that are taller then my plants, I used Industrial white/clear garbage bags to cover the top buds.....( well all the ones I could get under the plastic.) I did...
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    Got a frost and covered BUT??

    One more thing I think I uncovered them too early I just went outside and they are all wet from the morning dew. Hopefully they will be okay I have a week of good weather coming lowest night temps will be about 46 degrees.
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    Got a frost and covered BUT??

    I read somewhere that you should not touch the covers were laying directly on them do you think I caused damage to them??? Will this effect their growth rate??? I need more time.
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    Got a frost and covered BUT??

    Hey everyone I am new here and this is not the first time I have grown however I always had a much better set up for dealing with Frost. Last night we had a frost I found out yesterday and I went out and bought some micro cloth bag covers. Problem was I did not have time to put stakes up so the...