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  1. M

    good websites to buy pipes from

    i dont want a hookah and im not a newb either i just didnt kno where else to put it just to let u kno but i want bongs and pipes so help me please
  2. M

    good websites to buy pipes from

    i need some websites cuz i want to buy bongs and pipes but i dont want the website to have anythiin that means anything about weed ex. i cant have that cuz i dont want the box sayin that do u guys kno of any
  3. M

    prices on weed in delaware

    hey i live in delaware and i was wondering about the price of weed. i usally get a dime (around .8g) for 10 and a half(around .45 oz)for 70 Wats the prices for every other amount 1/8,1/4 1 oz. thanks
  4. M

    I Have Some Questions About Vaporizers

    thanks for the help
  5. M

    I Have Some Questions About Vaporizers

    hey ive never used a vaporizer before and i always heard ppl say how the are smoke less. i have 3 questions 1. Are the acutally smokeless?? 2. Can u smell it if u do it inside house?? 3. I want a cheap one lik around 60$ can u show me a link to one??
  6. M

    I'm done buyin.ready to grow it

    gee ya fucking think. But I want my own so fucking off if u can't help
  7. M

    I'm done buyin.ready to grow it

    I'm tired of buyin my shit. So I got the seeds but idk wats else do I need I need to know everything. How to grow it and the list of supplies. Post here thanks