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  1. umizumi

    twice now intercepted

    I, too, have been 2x intercepted in LA from Herbies in the last month. Thanks Bad Karma, I'll try Sow Amazing. +Rep
  2. umizumi

    Baywatcher's Basement Blowout

    Awesome to hear on the yields! My strategy in the past has been straight scrog but I'm leaning towards a mainlining strategy for my next grow. Keep up the good work!
  3. umizumi

    Baywatcher's Basement Blowout

    Great grow and thread! Just perused the whole thing; subbing for sure. Questions: Overall, how do you feel about the solar storm LED? At 800W are you seeing results similar to a 1000W HPS? How big are the tops of the peony cages? What's a typical per/plant dry yield on this setup for you? I...
  4. umizumi

    Homebox mini (303060 cm), DIY LED 54W, active intake/outtake + DIY carbon filter

    Always looking to see work with DIY LEDs! subbed
  5. umizumi

    mini fridge scrog lighting questions

    Good luck! If you haven't already, have a look at the CFL Forum. Lots of good info there about how to maximize your light output. I also recommend the Stealth/Micro/Cab forum.
  6. umizumi

    mini fridge scrog lighting questions

    If you go the HPS route you're going to need to focus on the heat inside the fridge, which may be difficult. As far as 150W HPS for a 2x2.... I think that's a little weak. I shoot for 100W/sqft of canopy, so you'd need to go for a 400W HPS to stick to that. As far as CFLs go, mounting to the...