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  1. J

    plant pics...

    How is the weather in Cape Coral going to be this weekend? You guys have had rain all week. There was a TON of flooding in N. FM and down Diplomat when I rolled through last week.
  2. J

    plant pics...

    Here is the plant that I put outside and pretty much don't do anything to it. I check on it 3 days a week and she seems to be doing O.K. The bugs have gotten to her, and she doesn't have many fan leaves, but she is flowering. I live in FL, so she gets some intense sun during the day. I might...
  3. J

    boy? girl? can oyu tell yet?

    can you tell if I topped her correctly? There is a lower section I tried last week and the top part 2 days ago...
  4. J

    boy? girl? can oyu tell yet?

    haha! as in Light of Jah...
  5. J

    boy? girl? can oyu tell yet?

    would it be a good idea to try to make some clones from her?
  6. J

    boy? girl? can oyu tell yet?

    There are a pre-flower areas showing up. I topped the plant, but I'm not sure I did it correctly. I actually tried to top 2 times, so I'm sure I stressed the hell out of her. I have left her alone outside and I try to look and see how she's doing every couple of days. I also have some other...
  7. J

    yellowing on the edges of leaves?

    of course I forgot to add the pic.
  8. J

    yellowing on the edges of leaves?

    This plant has some yellowing on the edges of the leaves. Any ideas of wgat t hth e issues coykd be? She's under 150w cfl right now. I'm starting her in a grow box and she will soon go outside. I have her in a compost blend with peat and also some shroom compost and poo... this seed was...
  9. J

    updated pics... just this one plant is outside right now.

    I had 10 nice seedlings under a big CFL and the light fell and broke the plants... This is a single plant that I put out side and ignore to see how it does in the FL weather. I have it in a pot, but my guerilla grow will be just in some palmetto groves on some open lots. I am going to get a...
  10. J

    lower leaves turned yellow in a day...

    I have an outdoor plant and I think that the rain has just flushed the plant or something. The lower leaves are yellow. The rest of the plant looks good. Could it just be because of too much rain? There is plenty of drainage, but the rain was constant for about 48hrs. I guess I will check...
  11. J

    Guerilla growing in FL?

    I still have one of my plants outside sitting there in a little pot. I lost 10 nice seedlings because my light fell on them while I was at work and they got cooked (at least the house didn't burn down). I have a couple of seedlings waiting to get transplanted this week. I have a few nice...
  12. J

    Guerilla growing in FL?

    WHAT?? I planted mine in the median! haha
  13. J

    Guerilla growing in FL?

    I'm in South FL. I wanted to get them in the ground before the end of the rainy season, so it will be dryer when they are flowering...
  14. J

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    I just tried this on a lanky lady I have. Let's see how she looks...
  15. J

    Moving my plants out into the heat and humidity. Guerilla grow!

    Thanks, I have them in indirect light, well did for 2 days, now they are in full sun. It has been rainy, so I am worried about putting them in the ground. We'll see how it goes though. I have 10 other plants getting ready to be planted too. I am actually going to try some Light of Jah...
  16. J

    Moving my plants out into the heat and humidity. Guerilla grow!

    Day 2 for outside... They will be put in the ground this week. Leaves seem to have lightened up, but looking O.K.. I have a few places to put them and we'll see how they go. Please add some tips for high humidity and high heat grows. I need all the help I can get.
  17. J

    Guerilla growing in FL?

    Won't the heat cause issues? It's hot as hell here. If so, what is the best yielding strain for the south FL heat?
  18. J

    WARNING!One bulb 42w warm CFL grow!WARNING

    Lowe's has floodlight CFL's with 4100 lumins for $39.99. They are square and give off almost no heat. They are great for Veg. since they are at 6500*K
  19. J

    Guerilla growing in FL?

    I am in south FL and have some perfect places to grow, but have some questions. One, is it too hot? I see everyone saying they need temps kept at 75-78* or whatever… If I use autoflowering plants, can’t I just go harvest them every 4-5 weeks since they just do their thing and will bloom again...
  20. J

    Leaf question on seedlings?

    I am using guano(sp?) some organic soil someone mentioned on another site, perlite or whatever... I can't remember where I found the soil mixture, but I followed the directions. It was for a much bigger crop, so I just mixed a bunch and put it in a huge container :) I am starting them inside...