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  1. A

    Alternative to DVD case

    Probably not, but you're still an idiot for discussing the types of stealth used in shipping openly on a PUBLIC FORUM. Things like that are why we can't have nice things.
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    Defoliation Experiment

    That plant looks either over or underwatered and what looks to be some PH issues with the leaves. I'd work on that before trying to do a controlled experiment.
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    photos of my first LST ... what do u think?

    Plant looks great, your tape job sucks and will break free as soon as the plant wants to. Redo that with some duct tape (double folded with the string) and you'll be golden.
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    not growing anymore.should i HARVEST?

    hahah hay guyz my plant is like a toothpick with buds smaller and airier than my growing skillz, should I are of harvest??!?eleven Seriously though guy, WTF are you flowering that poor plant under? a clip on book light? Try again, and chalk this up as a waste of 10 weeks, and a learning...
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    Utilizing space and maximizing yields

    My opinion is you're a dick. Go be condescending somewhere else.