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  1. catincombs

    Coco Nova A&B

    Get some SM 90, BMO SPT or Subculture. Any of those will keep your roots safe from nasty micolife. Plus remember coco locks up K so, make sure your ferts have a bit more K, than the average fert.
  2. catincombs

    So pissed!

    . Well put. I would never buy what I could not look at. That's like saying rip me please, but I bet you've only heard that like 150 times now. So, sorry you got less than you paid for. I'd just put it on a cookie sheet in the oven, turn it own warm only like 150 degree F for twenty...
  3. catincombs

    Blue Mountian Organics

    Ha Ha Ha The soil is full of mold, bacteria, and all sorts of little critters. So are compost piles. Some in a bottle has you worried. It probably isn't mold anyway. And even if it is, just pour it out, scoop out the mold and pour it back in, if it worries you. Where are you storing your ferts...
  4. catincombs

    Blood and Bone meal together

    . Well put man. It's a weed, plant it in a sunny spot, water it a little, feed it a little and it will be fine. Just don't topdress that stuff, it will draw unwelcome guest. Like armadillos, opposums, etc. they like the smell of that bloodmeal and will dig up a plant in a heartbeat trying to...
  5. catincombs

    I mastered bacteria! 12 hour froth. How i did.

    The froth shows there is a bunch of microlife busy eating, shitting, farting and reproducing. So, yes, froth is a good sign of activity.
  6. catincombs

    which ammendments to use

    OK let me be the first to ask, what is b.d. preps from josephine porter institute ? Beneficial bacteria, fungi, a compost jump starter kit ?
  7. catincombs

    Short And Potent

    Lowryder crosses : AK47 or Kush Low, fast, with a decent punch. or any true indica strain like Papaya by Nirvana, just $ 25 at the Attitute in bloodie old england.
  8. catincombs

    Pineapple Express anyone?

    You are over watering them. Back off on the water and no nutes. Get some super plant tonic by BMO (ebay), it can bring anything back from the dead and keep it healthly. Much better than superthrive.
  9. catincombs


    Was that the best screenname you could come up with ? Not very bright are you. Dumb Ass Cop : Eat SHIT & DIE
  10. catincombs

    Organic nutes?

    You can't go wrong with higher p bat guano in bloom. Like the old man says, " Start low, build as you go, learn not to burn " or something like that.
  11. catincombs

    organics, smelling bad?

    Old school haze is spicy, with a bite like black pepper. Skunk well stinks like a skunk. Old kushes can range from mangos to spicy baby poo. If you're being sold oregano soaked in something - it smells like oregano. This is an old Turkey Dope trick from Memphis, TN. Thugs there were ripping off...
  12. catincombs

    Uses of Super Plant Tonic

    Hey old man, got my holes all dug and prep'd, with the cow manure, compost, rabbit poop and SPT. I'm going to run those skunks you gave me again. How is the super soil grow going ?
  13. catincombs

    Going fully oragnic need some information!!!

    True organics, means soil that is alive with microlife. You use guanos, manures, molasses, etc. To feed the soil and it feeds the plant. With lifeless chem nutes, you turn you plants into chem junkies, unable to fend for themselves, relying on you for their next fix. Miss a few feedings and...
  14. catincombs

    Not to rag on organics, but...

    I've never seen a difference in cured color, using organics over chems. But there is a big difference in taste and smoke-ability. Maybe it was just the strain you were growing. I have grown weed that was green as hell, until you cured it, then it turned a light golden color, or had a purple...
  15. catincombs

    Quality worth less yield?

    I prefer soil growing over hydro. Did both at seperate times. I like the ease of soil, plus the fact it's natural. Growing in water does give a larger yield, but it lacks soul (taste, aroma, body).
  16. catincombs

    I'm the cat, you are the mouse. Got ya !

    I'm the cat, you are the mouse. Got ya !
  17. catincombs

    BH4A I see you found your way here, impressive.

    BH4A I see you found your way here, impressive.
  18. catincombs

    find a job growing weed

    Grow where you are planted. The grass is not greener out west.
  19. catincombs

    for the haters

    Ha Ha Ha Ha BH4A You obviously haven't seen OSG's plants. I have. He grows small trees with baseball bat sized buds. I saw your pics, not even in the same ball park. I've also read most of his posts. He spends most of his time helping people, not talking shit or loading up pics saying...
  20. catincombs

    Grow Pot & Save the World

    If you are not growing pot, then why not ? The info is here, the seeds are available and heck it grows like a weed :) They say a picture says a thousand words, click on this one and tell me what you think.