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  1. C

    I am getting really annoyed with this forum

    ahh that sucks well next time, highlight your post and copy it to notepad or something, just in case
  2. C

    My pot movie

    when the fuzz got there he probably charged out the front door like an angry silverback, shovel in hand
  3. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    small update, pic 1 is a nice close-up, pic 2 is an 'upskirt' shot :)
  4. C

    Amazing What Happens in the Dark

    hang in there, 10th. you got the practice and did the work, grew some great plants, and if you do that again, chances are that next time you'll be rewarded.
  5. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    damn, that is nice, have never seen weed that purple, i mean leaves and all it would really stand out amongst the greenery but other than that it looks exotic
  6. C

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    yeah, that really is nice intergration. the plants look very healthy too, those buds are going to be :eyesmoke: great job, keep us posted!
  7. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    thanks for the kind words! i'm still a grow-newb for the most part but it's the great info found here that allows for success. it's great how everyone on RIU is so willing to help out each other with tips, etc. it's nice. chest
  8. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    in early may, from seed. they aren't the biggest plants but i was willing to trade a little size for added plant mobility (hehe) and added backyard stealth -- i'm able to move them indoors at night, move them where they're getting the best sun, or move them if there's an emergency like a...
  9. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    Small update from tonight before bedtime. Does anyone care to toss a number out there as to how many more days/weeks they'd let these go before harvesting? Haven't fed in a couple days so if there's around 2 weeks left I'll just let them be. Any advice would be great, thanks..
  10. C

    plants stolen

    this, this, THIS. You can add most famlily members to the 'Do Not Tell' list as well. I had a cousin rat me out years ago. (I had one big female in my basement, which was my first and last grow until this year, 10 years later) But anyways, I check my plants like 25x per day even though I...
  11. C


    nice plants moonshield! hopefully you can find a way to bring these ladies to the chopping table in a few weeks. sucks about your 'friend' too. my first indoor grow 11 or 12 years ago ended because of a loose-lipped cousin, so it didn't take me long to learn golden rule #1: tell no one :)...
  12. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    juicy fruit sounds excellent, hope you'll do a journal on em :)
  13. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    nope, no males, but i have a few more seeds tucked away for next year. I was thinking about ordering some feminized seeds for next year, just want to research some of the better outdoor strains over the winter. Did you have any suggestions?
  14. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    :blsmoke:yep, they're outdoor. they're coming off in 3 weeks so i'll have some pre and post-harvest pics.
  15. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    a few from today, Aug 29th may have slightly nute burned plant #1 but it's nothing serious. she's had straight water for 4 days now, she's fine. her sister is much more elongated cola-wise and is a bit behind in terms of maturity but she looks as if she'll turn out nicely. it's been nice...
  16. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    bump, will have some updated pics shortly, and thank you for the kind words! peace :)
  17. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    Here are a few more pics, will add some better close-ups in a bit.
  18. C

    Suggestions on Possible Strain?

    I got around a dozen bag-seeds from a friend about four months ago. I'm left with 3 females which are into approx. their 5th week of flowering. I was wondering if anyone knew what strains these could be based on appearance. The buds themselves are purply and the leaves are dark green. I was...