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  1. GobbledyGook

    Welcome New Members!

    You can't really tell sex until it goes into flowering. My male started getting signs after day 5 of flowering, but the female took more like 2 weeks.
  2. GobbledyGook

    Welcome New Members!

    I have had this little girl growing for just over two months in my aerogarden. This morning I went in and she was like this! Leaves all wilty....WTF? Any ideas? It is my first grow.
  3. GobbledyGook

    Need help with sexing!

    I don't smoke either. Had to get it from a friend who does. Figured its the cheapest way to learn! I needed something to do so I wouldn't lose my mind...started with 3 seeds, two sprouted, one male, one female. Doing things differently just to see. After all, it is a weed! And they are very very...
  4. GobbledyGook

    Need help with sexing!

    Thanks! I thought it was, but I was hoping. I still got a female going anyway. Besides, first try, I figured what the hey, used bag seed from a friend, best way to learn. Not too much invested, and have learned loads!
  5. GobbledyGook

    Need help with sexing!

    Okay, I need help! First timer here, for alot of things! I've been lurking in the backgound for awhile, reading...and I started my first grow. Now, I need help sexing. After 5 days into flowering, I am not sure if this plant is showing signs of being a male, or just making more leaves! :shock...