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  1. Professor Gr33n

    My little Closet setup

    Hey Kicko, im an noob settin up all my growing shit atm, i've been looking for the attachments for double or triple bulbs into one socket like you have got in your setup, where did u get them from an how much were they? X
  2. Professor Gr33n

    Homemade LSD?

    Ok thnx kdox88 any everyone else Peace x
  3. Professor Gr33n

    Homemade LSD?

    is there any info on the internet about how to cultivate peyote? x
  4. Professor Gr33n

    Homemade LSD?

    what about peyote is that relativley easy to grow?
  5. Professor Gr33n

    Homemade LSD?

    Just wanted to know if there actually was any easy and semi safe method of manufacturing LSD or Acid at home? Peace :peace: x
  6. Professor Gr33n

    lowlife AK-47 ready to start flowering?

    Hey im a noob on my first grow wondering apart from the time period are there any obvious indications of when an autoflowering plant has begun to flower, any help or advice? x :joint:
  7. Professor Gr33n

    G-13, wats the deal?

    Nice sounds gd man :bigjoint:, i read that G-13 is apparently 28%. Dunno if its true though also read loads of stuff but CIA involvement in its creation..
  8. Professor Gr33n

    G-13, wats the deal?

    I was searchin the web tryin to find the highest THC content ever found in a plant and was wonderin if anyone here has ever grown or attempted to grow the infamous G-13? :weed:
  9. Professor Gr33n

    need advice on shrooms

    Ive never tried shrooms, but am up for it, but all the people i know with connections to get them are all shady hustlers. so i wanna try them but i wanna know that i wont get ripped off or die so how hard are they to grow?
  10. Professor Gr33n

    Newbie needs nute help with lowlife..

    kk dude thnx an they are organic
  11. Professor Gr33n

    Newbie needs nute help with lowlife..

    even for autoflowering hybrids?
  12. Professor Gr33n

    Newbie needs nute help with lowlife..

    Was just wonderin how long after sprouting should i wait before adding nutes to their water? and what concentration should i use (BioBizz veg an flowering nutes)?
  13. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    The lil fuckers where in and around the seeds, and the inside of the seeds was turned to white mush
  14. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    Im gonna start again with fresh everything hopefully i will have more luck this time.
  15. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    Nah its not the tap root, i might be a first time grower but im not retarded................anymore
  16. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    Dunno dude havnt seen any flying around but ill keep an eye out, this is my first grow so im pretty un-sure about everything that happens. Ill just throw out these pots an soil an start again with another couple of seeds. Thnx for the help man x
  17. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    What do they do? an How did they get there?
  18. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    Yeh im pretty sure thats them, can't remember the black tops but i think thats them. What the fuck are those lil bastads?!
  19. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    Yeh, i kinda just killed them all as soon as i saw them. The were only a couple mm long an bright white
  20. Professor Gr33n

    WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

    Ok so i woke up this mornin to check on my seeds which should have been germinating, i look into the paper towel an they are covered in what looks like tiny white maggots or worms and inside the seeds all the potential plant is like a white slush. Any info on these or helps would be great...