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  1. D

    Should I veg for another week or two weeks?

    why are you vegging under an hps light?
  2. D

    4x4,4x8,perpetual harvest every 2 months

    your time frames will never hold up. too many unforeseen things happen that will delay things. i've been doing exactly what you are trying to do for 7 years now, in an apartment. same size booths, same lighting, give or take, clones , seeds, aero, drip, dwc, soil. soil the last 4 years. did bio...
  3. D

    3 foot plant

    trim off everything that isn't on the very end of each branch. Light wont get to the small buds below the end of each branch. the plant uses a lot of energy to grow those little buds. depending on the size of your lights you might have to trim off all lower branches, lollipop, it's really a...
  4. D

    hydro setup, plant problems please help, PICTURES!

    You"re just flat out over feeding them. Your water may or may not be a problem. You don't know because you don't have a meter to test it. In hydro the best water to use is RO. People who say just use tap water because theirs works fine don't know what your water has in it. My water starts out at...