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  1. C

    Boveda 2 way Humidity Pack Methods

    The set up made all the packets soft again. And seem to be working fine. The stiffest one took 10 days. Besure to keep water level in lower tub low enough not to wet packets.
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    Boveda 2 way Humidity Pack Methods

    Using two plastic tubs, made holes in one tub bottom fitting it on top of other tub with distilled water in the bottom tub. Put cover on top tub. Stiff one is softening. One week into test. I happen to use two smart balance margarine tubs. Will advise. Thinking more holes in bottom of top tub...
  3. C

    Boveda packs and flavor

    I also in Colorado. It has been 72% RH after a morning shower and 20-30% RH 4-5 hrs later. Noted it goes up during precipitation and starts dropping after it stops. Drying first grow and wondering how quick it happens with lower humidity levels. Boveda arrive tomorrow. 12 8gm packets with...
  4. C

    my teas dont seem to be working....

    Anzo, you can get composted manure at Home Depot or Lowes, along with paint strainers. The worm castings you can get online. Non sulphured molasses online or Heath food store. I add kelp liquid to the milk jug when I delute the tea 4 to 1 with chlorine treated water. And in a cellar floor which...
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    Neighbors ratted me out

    Smelling pots gives probably cause to get a warrent. They hear someone screaming in your place and kick in the door, find your grow/grass, they didn't need the warrent and everything found is admissible in court. But just smelling pot, they need a warrent. And some judges say, not enough just...
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    Neighbors ratted me out

    FLIR works on heat. The glass heats up. They can senses it. Good luck with the glass.
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    Best organic nutrients for vegging and flowering? +rep

    I am using a tea made from worm castings and composted manure. I add molasses to it and keep the air pump with two line on all the time. Having just 4 plants, I make the tea in a 2 gallon pail using city water adding Prime chlorine remover and let it sit over night. Then add one cup of EWC and...
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    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Thank you all for sharing this great info. Neighbor down the road has horses. Sure he will share the manure. But thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
  9. C

    phosphorus tea?

    Citrus plants grow sweeter fruit with buried fish scrapes. Scales, guts, bodies minus the filets work. Not sure if processed fish additives do the same. Also works on Surinam cherries. Very high in vitamin C, but very sour to taste. Very sweet when fish parts hurried along side. Know that from...
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    Calling all chemists and botanists! Let's put an end to overpriced nutes!

    Do not use white sugar cane. Close friend's father use to work in a sugar cane refinery in Florida. When asked how they made the brown sugar white, it depended on what was cheap to buy the day needed, white gasoline or acetone. This was some years ago and US rules may have banned the their use...
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    Calling all chemists and botanists! Let's put an end to overpriced nutes!

    Mamma Ganja and I both agreeded it was Jimi just now.
  12. C

    Aquaponics Fail Grow Not enough Fish Poop for good Yield.

    I did research on this and saw a picture of a commercial operation in Florida. They only grew leafy greens as the fish poop is very low in P and K. And flowering plants, didn't. Lettuce did very well. And it was an organic crop. And making $$$. It is very high in N. Had a friend get decent buds...
  13. C

    Aquaponics Fail Grow Not enough Fish Poop for good Yield.

    I did research on this and saw a picture of a commercial operation in Florida. They only grew leafy greens as the fish poop is very low in P and K. And flowering plants, didn't. Lettuce did very well. And it was an organic crop. And making $$$. It is very high in N. Had a friend get decent buds...
  14. C

    It wasn't Muslim who caused 9/11

    One of the side effects of ganja is paranoia. This thread seems to prove that concept. Destroy two building and kill 3,000 to attack the Middle East. Very much easier way to start a war folks. And what is there to gain. And in war, nasty things happen by both sides. That is why war is not nice...
  15. C

    Fan leaf edges curling inward.

    From reading on here, this might be copper deficiency. But first grow and see picture of it here. indica, starting 4 th week veg. Using Pro-mix with myco in 3gal nursery buckets. Under one Advanced diamond series 100 watt, and a Glow-Panel 45 watt LEDs. Read myco happier with natural ferts...
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    Expert says my led grow will not produce

    1 Advanced Diamond series, and a 45 watt " Glow-Panel.
  17. C

    Expert says my led grow will not produce

    No I am asking what are yields using LEDs. and the expert is his word for himself. I do not know being a first timer.
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    Expert says my led grow will not produce

    I have an "expert" insisting I will yield nothing with this grow. Everyday the plants are growing big time, and everything looks fine. But, if some of you can tell me how much your yields are, I hope to lower his "volume". Or what "others" have told you they yield if your worried about it being...
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    If you plan on moving here and are planning on being apart of this mj industry

    Side businesses will have a market. Cannabis friendly business's not in the actual cannabis sales. Eateries, hotels, motels. Less regulation than selling it.