If unsure, is it better to harvest a plant a few days too early or too late. I understand using a loupe to check trichomes , but if I have no loupe and am a beginner should I harvest a lil too early or too late? The color of the pistols and frosting is what im gauging by...
5 plants. Lucked out and got all ladies. One started flowering early rest are kinda lagging behind. Notice bottom left of fifth pic where a deer had broke a first node branch to the ground a few months back, came back strong and filled out. Thanks bambie for the LST. One plant is round 5th...
Hello all! fist post! this is my second time outdoor grow and planted some seeds last spring. Been watching them carefully to pull the males but Hopefully I don't think I have any but not 100 percent on that. Not used to seeing red hairs during preflower. The one pic may or may not be a...