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  1. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    It probably will, but I would love if you would answer the following two questions: What is your thoughts about the article that Belvedere posted? Do you still consider ~0,3G/watt to be remarkable well and close to the upper limit of a CFL grow?
  2. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo.. That is indeed impressive.. Sogging is unfortunately out of the question for me, since I don't have any room for a seperate vegging cabinet. On a future grow I do plan on making another "net" that I can install over the canopy with smaller bulbs...
  3. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    But I'm just glad that I don't have my head so far up in my own arse, that I can't comprehend that other people can do better than me in some regards. "Noone can solve a Rubiks Cube in less than 15 minutes, and not a single person on the planet can use chopsticks properly". Yeah, that would...
  4. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    To get the facts straight (since you try to lie yourself to justification). Quoted from the thread in question: For CFL growers, I would suggest the upper limit is close to .3 grams per watt, NOT the average. If you yield anywhere near that ratio (or over it), you're during remarkably well. To...
  5. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    woah wait.. Did I ever claim to have yielded 250 gram from a 250 watt bulb? At least stick to the truth.... In the interest of accuracy... You called me a liar for claiming to have gotten 120 gram of a 250 watt bulb. According to you that is an impossible accomplishment.
  6. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    Thanks for the feedback. I hear very different things about pruning the fan leaves. You and a lot of others says "prune for better light penetration to the colas", while other people say "dont.. They are the power-plant in your well.. plant. It is the leaves that produce the energy for the cola...
  7. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    Oh and sorry for my lousy english-skills. It is not my first language.
  8. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    Your opinion is VERY welcome, Mr. Belvedere. Because I have actually been named, shamed and called a liar on this very board for claiming to have gotten around 120 gram from a 250 watt grow. The reaction I got was horrible, especially from one user. He downright called me a liar and calling me...
  9. C

    My first SCroG. Woohoo..

    I am growing my first ScroG ever and loving it. 5 weeks into flower. Prior to this I was just using low stress training and and my absolute best harvest yielded around 120 gram of a single 250w CFL bulb. With this ScroG I expect to set a new personal record and yield a 100 gram or more on a 200...
  10. C

    What am I doing wrong?

    40w isn't quite enough. Don't you usually say a hundred watt for the first plant and 50w for the following plants?
  11. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    If nothing goes disasterous wrong, and if you top/fim your plants 2-3 times, do some low stress training to get as even canopy as possible and keep your light a maximum of 2 inch from the top of your plants, I don't see why you couldn't end up with 80 grams from your first grow. But the key is...
  12. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    But in an effort to make up, I will admit that it was my first grow with non-auto seeeds, and I vegged around 6 weeks, which for a cfl grow probably was 3-4 weeks too long. (Another noob mistake). So when taking time and electricity consumption into consideration, It probably would have been...
  13. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    Guys, come on. Have a sense of humor. Im not namecalling anyone. Im just saying that I got more than 120 grams from that grow. If anyone is namecalling anyone it's SunnyJim namecalling himself by saying "If that grow netted 120 grams Im a talking monkey" - Well... Because it did :) I didn't...
  14. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    Ohh.. and btw. it seems like I remembered 20 grams wrong. It appeared to have been 140 grams, according to the danish site. Oh well.. What can I say...
  15. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    Well Jim, I don't know what to say. I guess you are a talking monkey then. I don't have pics of my second plant post harvest. The closest I get is pictures from when I harvested the first plant (Which yielded 250grams wet and 50 gram dried and cured, The other gave me 70 grams). I really can't...
  16. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    Dude, if that is based on your own experience, you are doing something wrong. If its based on assumptions about CFLs then meh.. I just finished my second indoor grow, so I am what I would consider a newbie with major room for improvement. I grew 2 Nirvana Bubblelicious under a single 250w CFL...
  17. C

    Second single bulb cfl grow

    I bought it from a local grow store here in Denmark. My closet is around 24 degrees celsius when the bulb is turned off and around 28 degrees with the bulb on. I have passive intake and a standard carbonfiltered inline fan outtake. A single clip-on fan to make some airflow.
  18. C

    My second grow. Has gotten out of hand. Please help!

    Dear all helpful people. I desperately need your help, bevause I am now drowning in what, I a a few weeks ago thought was success. I have an excellent growcloset, that I will learn to get the most out of in time, but this time I think I vegged way too long. I grow under 1 big ass 250 w CFL...
  19. C

    Second single bulb cfl grow

    Here are some new pictures from 2½ weeks into flowering. I have vegged way to long I must admit. The one bulb cfl doesnt have range enough for the lower branches. I lollipopped them and hope it helps.
  20. C

    Second single bulb cfl grow

    I've considered putting a scrog net up, but I am afraid that it's too late already. I am also very uncertain if it really would increase my yield since my grow area is SO small as it is. I have plenty of height though. People with scrog experience is very welcome to advice me here. The net is...