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  1. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    Well it's all up and running. I left the girls in there last night and that is their day cycle. The temp maintained 76 all night with less than 50% humidity. It is hovering around 45%. I am trying to figure out how to post a picture
  2. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    I topped the plant so many times. I was pushing the plant and seeing how much it would take. One plant didn't take the stress too well, I tried defoliation on that plant and the buds were all thin and airy. They sucked bad so it will all become bho. The other plant was fim'd topped and super...
  3. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    Well I went to the grow store and the lumber yard today. I bought a 10'x100' roll of panda. I also bought a hurricane fan for my hood. I had my dad pick me up some fittings for the duct work and some insulated flex while he was at Home Depot. I got the framing all buttoned up tonight and I...
  4. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    I did veg for about six weeks. I didn't use the 400. I use the 1000 and was carrying it in and out of the dark room daily. It was a lot of work and why I am ready to build this room. Thank you all for the input I have received.
  5. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    I started using botanicare slacker coco about a month ago and I really like it, I actually prefer it over the ffof that I was using. I use the entire line of ff nutes with a supplement of cal/mag+ and blackstrap. That's all I have used so I can't really say if anything is better or not. I am...
  6. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    Yes, that helps a lot. The only reason I am thinking 6x8 is so I have room to move things around in the room without moving things out. I was thinking 6x6 for the flower room but was wondering if the extra two feet would be a mistake. I was thinking the same with the veg room but figured the...
  7. P

    Grow room build advice needed

    Hello, new here and loving the site. I have been growing for a little while now and I have been doing it ghetto style. I am ready to build a grow room because I am tired of using my laundry room. I have a 400w and a 175w mh for veg and I have a 1000w for flower. I am wanting to build two...