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  1. U

    Caught this fucker in my shower...

    what kind of spider is it? my friend got bit by a brown recluse in boot camp and the venom from that ate a huge hole in his back...nasty... get out asap!
  2. U

    my first bubbler

    No im not using a root hormone...should I?...and how often should i need to water the rockwool?... and im also not sure how far down i should plant the cube in the clay pellets? ...i'm also using general hydroponics nutes!
  3. U

    my first bubbler

    thanks for the input...i thought they might be getting too much you can see the net basket is sitting about 1/2 in in the water...should i leave it as is or move them up little?
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    my first bubbler

    I brought home these clones from the store last friday and they've been in these homemade bubblers since...since i got them as clones I'm guessing they are about 2+ weeks old? some of the bottom leaves have turned yellow and wilted up but since theres been some new growth I havent been to...