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  1. MissKitten

    the name game....

    heehe that crossed my minjd! wos finkin maybe towely (southpark) hes always got pink eye ;) :peace:
  2. MissKitten

    the name game....

    so today i bought a snake....cant fink of a name. It's a snow corn snake an he (she?) has pink eye :) neidea's? x x x
  3. MissKitten

    Diesel Ryder, 400 watt Ecolite, Plagron Batmix Cupboard Grow

    looking good - lookin 4ward 2 tryin them =P wen u comin up 2 try ma AK? x :peace:
  4. MissKitten

    Vagina Tattoo......Ouch!!!!!!

    ouch ouch ouch the butterfly one - u say thats real? then she got her arse crack tattoo'd? ouch
  5. MissKitten

    all my hairs are brown can i keep going?

    i harvest when most hairs a brown but ther is still some white hairs! I also look at crystals becoz they r also an indicator as to when weed is ready. it really depends on the strain, which strain you growin? how long they been flowering? ther is a thread on when to harvest - helped me...
  6. MissKitten

    Leaving for amsterdam in 9 hours

    grey area wos my fav coffeeshop to buy - never really got a chance to sit down in ther coz it was to busy but cheese was my fav strain aswell. also loved G13 haze, LAcon and REcon got sum Martian mean green aswell as really amazing skunk! Nice - u managed to get ur DVD's back....wher bouts...
  7. MissKitten

    Man I FUC%$# up.......PIcs !!!

    looking good mate - am sure if u follow these guys advice she'll be feeling better in a few days! I was told that a wee bit of stress on the plant is actually good for growth? is this a load of rubbish? x :peace:
  8. MissKitten


    sounds like uv got it all sorted mate!! defo agree wiv these guys ^ ^ ^ get sum quality seeds an then at least u no wot exactly ur growin. my first was AK nice n easy. good luck mate keep us updated! x :peace:
  9. MissKitten

    Upgrades ;) :D

    will b good to c the overall difference! i upgraded from LED to floursent and the different was...yummy x :peace:
  10. MissKitten

    Upgrades ;) :D

    whats the new 1 ur using?
  11. MissKitten

    Daja vu

    daja bu heehe ...its creeps up on you
  12. MissKitten

    Daja vu

    i get daja bu all the time, sometimes a few times a week - and its different levels - sometimes its so strong, i think it is all to do with dreaming, perhaps our brain dreaming the future or preparing for possible events. i also think there plenty parts of our brain which aren't used in normal...
  13. MissKitten

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    cheers mate thats really cleared that up 4 me!! wasnt sure when 2 jar up - left hangin 2 long it fink :peace:
  14. MissKitten

    Finally... A NICE bong.

    looks sweet but is it glass? i cant go glass im too clumsy! i like the ones with the wee ice holder bits mmm thinkin about it am gutted...gave mines to a friend and want a bong now! but aye mate happy chokin x :peace:
  15. MissKitten

    bad idea??

    sounds simple enough!! i'll hav a look at em just now! cheers mate :peace:
  16. MissKitten

    bad idea??

    wld u be able to spot male parts on a female plant? thats wot im worried about coz it obv wasnt spoted by the prev growr otherwise i wouldnt hav a seed :P
  17. MissKitten

    bad idea??

    hing is av only ever dun clones so dont hav ne experince sexing so mite no notice sumit till its 2 late which is ma main worry
  18. MissKitten


    heehe ta x :peace:
  19. MissKitten

    Who wants to get jelous?????

    sweet mate well done! x :peace:
  20. MissKitten

    bad idea??

    cheers! i mite just leave it thou - i fink its just askin for trouble!! :peace: