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  1. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I know where you're coming from but like I said this is no big operation. I just want to grow one little plant, see how it gets on. If I actually feel the need to be shitting out ounces then I'll just go straight into HPS, but I don't as of yet. Its just to see how it gets on. And besides man...
  2. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well the guy who leant me the stuff used CFLs all the way, what the fucks the problem, do you guys not read any of the shit I put? Fuck me.
  3. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    About six or so in the end at various heights all around the plant to try and cover as much of it as I can. Not going for some mega-yield here its just a little experiment to see how it gets on, personal use I suppose if it comes out fine. Obviously as the seed was in a bag its not feminised, so...
  4. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fair enough, like I said I never claimed to be some Dr. Greenthumb...
  5. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I figured I may as well make an account and post on here, I've been browsing around for some time to get an idea of what I'm doing when it comes to Cannabis. This is my first time growing anything, let alone cannabis, so I'm treading the water gently. This is very much a poor-man's grow though...