Search results

  1. Armer

    can you identify my strain?

    Dr Grinspoon, Aka a heirloom phenotype old school sativa of the highest order THC content 25% + very little leaves lots of almost spherical remember those sweeties called bullseyes black n white striped but it'll be green n red or purple in colour, some of the best stuff i ve ever tried in my...
  2. Armer

    IRELAND -If you live in Ireland look at this-

    look dude little advice warning make some really good connections, im from Ireland live in the capital all my life (Dublin), love nothing better than making new friends to smoke with but the situation over here is dire, unless you know some1 who has private grow ops, the weed over here can be...
  3. Armer

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hello ppls :) Was wondering coulds i get an invite code PM me any1 PLZ and thx Peace