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    Using Subs super soil can any one tell me this problem?

    im getting very frustrated with this soil i was thinking of going coco next :/
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    Using Subs super soil can any one tell me this problem?

    i was covering all my bases and i got ph calibration solution and my pher was way off i was phing my water down to 4.0 could this be the reason? i have dolomite lime and stuff to stabalize ph but 4.0 is way to low can a low ph cause this?
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    Using Subs super soil can any one tell me this problem?

    i did like the advice im on my way to get maxicrop right as we speak. i would just like to know what deficiency is going on so i know for the future.
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    Using Subs super soil can any one tell me this problem?

    so whats the problem here? i have added all that stuff to my soil! im trying to pin point the yellowing problem
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    Using Subs super soil can any one tell me this problem?

    so is it a iron or calmag thing? i sprayed them with some cal mag and they greened up now back and worse
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    Using Subs super soil can any one tell me this problem?

    Everything is looking awesome but im getting yellowing in new growth areas leaves are canoeing a little as well
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    6x14 grow area.

    what would be the ideal light for a flower room? this size
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    DR. earth POTing soil Would this be a good base soil for tga super soil?
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    Dr. earth POTing soil

    For super soil?
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    Dr. earth POTing soil Is this stuff a good base soil for subcools recipe?