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  1. Z

    What Type Of Plant Training Should I Use For Highest Yield?

    I think I've decided I'm going to top as early as I can, LST the 2 new main stems to each side of the pot then when it reaches the end I'll top again and LST so that from above it looks like an H and then let it grow upwards while LSTing into the space in the middle and defoliating. That way...
  2. Z

    What Type Of Plant Training Should I Use For Highest Yield?

    XD. They look incredible! nice work. If I were you I think I'd defoliate a little but it's hard to tell, the pictures taken from the top look like all the potential bud sites are getting light it's just there's so many leafs! I'll be keeping an eye on your journal, can't wait to see what you get...
  3. Z

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    £200-220 but weed's rare here it's mostly hash (actually Soap Bar (which is SHIT)) and even that's getting a bit rare now but it's £80 an O. My friend stays not far away in the city and spends £12.50 a gram (£350 an O) but i weighed it once and he was getting 0.9 gram for £12.50 so if that was...
  4. Z

    What Type Of Plant Training Should I Use For Highest Yield?

    "In the first instance I would: top, LST, top, LST," sounds interesting, the way I'm picturing it the plant would then look a bit like an H. I'll probably do a grow journal so that I can use that for notes, I always find myself forgetting how old they are lol. A sidenote if I do do a journal...
  5. Z

    What Type Of Plant Training Should I Use For Highest Yield?

    Thanks, I think I'll give LST another shot and seeing as its going to be DWC and 2 month veg I should have plenty of time, might do it so that it goes right around the pot and then let it grow in height and tie it into the miiddle. I'll probably do different things with each plant and test...
  6. Z

    What Type Of Plant Training Should I Use For Highest Yield?

    Hi I have a rough idea how I want to train my plants to be in order to best fill my space for best yield, but I was wondering what you guys think I should do to get it. I'll try to describe my space and how I want them, if I don't explain it well let me know and I'll try n make pics on paint or...