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  1. W

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    this thread is awesome you should check out this grow at icmag ^ plants vertical using a 600 Watt HPS ave 4.5 OZ a plant overall got 756 grams over 1.3 G/pw
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    What drove your decision to grow?

    I grow because I simply enjoy marijuana and freedom. That said the greatest thing growing has done for me is enabled me to be more financially stable which in turn has allowed me to spend more quality time with my son and wife and in turn given me the freedom to tell my boss I don't need the...
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    Possible laced weed?

    thread thread is a fucking riot
  4. W

    Dr Grubers G13 Grow Journal(Dr Greenthumb Seeds)

    ttt OG style nigga
  5. W

    July harvest

    what size of pot did you use? Also what type of nutrients are reccomended, thanks
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    New toy I made

    signed on this is inspiring. I want to grow as my main source of income and what you have done here is a big confidence and motivation booster. So now that this is all said and done would you recommend the growwall to people considering purchasing this product? I'm tossing around the idea of...
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    Replicating the Aquamist I system...

    i'm interested send me a pm if you can beat the price i will buy one today
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    I spoke to her last night she was very nice and informative, never hesitating to answer any of my questions. I'm going to go ahead and get a 126W from her and post a 4 plant Alaskan Ice grow under it either in soil or aeroponics. With Ed and me doing it there will be a pretty good guage
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    keep us posted TechnoMage I'm interested as it stands these are the best LED units around
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    so can 1 of these 126W units do the trick over a basic Aeroponic unit like you built?
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    was it under led?
  12. W

    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    How many SC did you grow and were they under LED? If the results you are producing are consistent your on to something girl
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    thanks, one more question do you think it would be realistic or effective to modify your led set up to a stadium style vertical grow like this? Or due to the nature of the leds having to be close would one be confined to flat growing? I'm going...
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    how long were the plant's vegged before flowering and were they clones or from seed? Also how many plant's were grown and what was the final weight? Thanks
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    504W LED Aeroponics Bloom

    to the MF'n top
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    LumiGrow ES 330w LED Test

    I'm signed on
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    Grow 2 lbs. on a 2’ x 4’ 32 Site DIY Aeroponic Unit

    quick question if I wanted to cut 100 sites could I do that without altering the internals? thanks in advance
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    I'm making firecrackers!

    I didn't work for me either
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    I'm making firecrackers!

    just put mine in the oven will report back.