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  1. 4 finger bag

    how much light will stop flowering?

    u know i've had some pretty geto grows in my life an did get some light in my bud cycle and did not end up with hermy's NOT saying that i didnt have problems but i also have one out side next to my back porch an my kids leave the fuckin porch light on some times and stunted bud is what i'm...
  2. 4 finger bag

    Upside down grow.

    why does the light have to be on the bottom why not on the side of the plant water cant fall sideways
  3. 4 finger bag

    Dummest Thing To Do.. PICS HOMIEs

    i cant see oil evaporating that much but make sure that the peppermint oil is from a plant not man's hands like a petro based oil with some smelly shit in it good luck let me know how it goes
  4. 4 finger bag

    how much superthrive to use on seedlings

    idk if its too late but i had a prob with some soil me an my buddy mixed up tryed to go all organic but used too much nutes burnt one of my girls so went to the hydro store an explaned what i did and he sold me HYGROZYME not sure if it was the flushing or transplanting or hygrozyme but nothing...
  5. 4 finger bag

    Halogen lights

    now thats interesting,i like my hps but im curious i'll have to take a run to the homo depo (wouldnt buy anything from there but a good place to walk around and learn...just dont ask the people there for advice ha ha ha )
  6. 4 finger bag

    2 dollar CO2

    i tryed the yeast an sugar it worked but i had a verry small grow room an i had to keep making the brew becaus after 20% alchol the yeast dies, the room smelt like brewers yeast and my kitchen sink smelt like cheep alchol. i made it in a milk jug w/screw on cap put a hole in the cap run 1/4"...
  7. 4 finger bag

    Dummest Thing To Do.. PICS HOMIEs

    the way i seen it was u use pure extract its organic and if it dont give flavor it wont hurt the plant, but back in the day we did'nt have hybrid's but we still had flavored weed. it would be easy to buy a seed of flavored weed but that takes the fun out of trying something new or new to you
  8. 4 finger bag

    Dummest Thing To Do.. PICS HOMIEs

    ya like an IV but i think u have to start it in veg im trying to find the article i keep all my HT an if i dont find it mine its in my neph's stack but im all most pos that it was in HT early 80's
  9. 4 finger bag

    Dummest Thing To Do.. PICS HOMIEs

    i read years ago that when in veg take a bottle of pure extract then take a needle an thread and put it through a rubber cork then put the cork in the bottle with some thread left inside then take the needle and put it through the base of the stem cut the needle off leaving the thread in the...
  10. 4 finger bag

    not sure what to say

    cool thanx
  11. 4 finger bag

    not sure what to say

    yes older not old if iwere old it would be a LID and if younger it be DIMMY thanx for the compliment about the garden. my buddy gave me 12 plants someone stole 1 i kept 7 (2 died 2 got eaten and 1 was male and 2 females left) an gave 4 away. one of the ones that got eaten i saved but it turned...
  12. 4 finger bag

    not sure what to say

    thanx, thats only one of my girls the other one is sick right now but i was just trying to teach myself how to upload pic's thats y theres 2 pics of the same plant... what LST?
  13. 4 finger bag

    soda water

    :confused: i've heard that using soda water was good for plants because the co2 but i bought club soda and when i got home i read the ingredients and says carbonated water and SALTS, now i've had a problem with salts in my water due to my water softner can anybody tell me if this is gonna give...
  14. 4 finger bag

    not sure what to say

    not sure what to say so i guess i'll start with thanx to everybody who has done a thread that i have read, this web site has helped me and my friends alot we've been growing on an off for some time i learned from books an videos an friends and as soon as i learn to use moore of this site i'll be...