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  1. J

    Grow Room Setup

    Also, I think you can get some more ventilation perhaps to cool the air? They do make air cooling lights also.
  2. J

    Grow Room Setup

    You can do it, but your plants won't be big at all, you might probably wanna look into SCROG (Screen of Green) May be a good option seeing as how little space you have to go up. Of course, this is just my speculation, I have...
  3. J

    DWC Bucket System Guide

    So, I don't really need any lights or anything? The extra stuff like the grow tent and ventilation and other stuff are for stealth purposes... Also, my buddy is going to help fork out the cash for this stuff and he basically said "Go big, or go home." I can see that I've added a few extra items...
  4. J

    DWC Bucket System Guide

    Ahh alright, yeah I had the 3% in mind... Although, I did hear it's probably more economical to dilute the 35% down. So more like 25/75 is a good number to aim for? Thanks for the reply!
  5. J

    DWC Bucket System Guide

    So, to get things started... I have never grown any plants, ever. I have been doing a fair amount of research on DWC Bucket Hydroponics Systems and have also typed up a nice little file that I would love to share with the community. Again, I have never grown any plants, nor have I even made the...