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  1. D

    Can I lst in flowering

    Can't I just use a coat hanger and bend the top a little secure it with the hanger part and then the other side in to the soil.
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    Can I lst in flowering

    Let Me google super cropping
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    Can I lst in flowering

    What Up every one, I have searched a lot of sites and mixed answers, my plant is getting to tall for the cabinet and its 2 weeks in to 12/12. Can I LST it, that and will that make more bud sites. Thanks for your help
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    what do you think. This is week 4

    Lol How do I bring the humidity down.
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    what do you think. This is week 4

    im setting up a better ventilation system, i know one of them looks over watered thats cause its hot in this cabinet and they dry fast. i watered them before i took pic. Some of the leaves have holes and look like tearing a few are brittle, is this due to heat please give input. Thank you
  6. D

    whats a good seed bank

    thank you.
  7. D

    is this a hermie

    these are not all over just in a few spots, im a little worried pics suck i know
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    whats a good seed bank

    Thank you. Do i need to use fake name and send to a p o box
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    whats a good seed bank

    There are so many rants about them on here. I live in illinois, what do you guys recommend.
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    my babies

    Thank You. Yea it gives off a lot of heat. I got fans and exhaust fans. I would try mn or hps but I'm in a cabinet 4 feet by 3 feet. I will try this cfl out see what happens.
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    my babies

    No Theres more them one lol. 8 40w cfl and two fluorescent on top
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    my babies

    It Got a lot of light on it, I do want to get more
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    my babies

    here are 3 of my 5 babies about 3 weeks under light.
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    A dumb question.

    I gave it bloom booster like a week ago, and yes I watered it it like 4 days ago. Thank you every one for the help
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    A dumb question.

    heres pics of the plants
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    A dumb question.

    Thanks Rusty
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    A dumb question.

    Thanks For the help guys. The lions suck lol. cutler a fucking joke he why we lost.
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    A dumb question.

    I Heard flushing not a good thing. I may just ride it out idk