Search results

  1. P

    What are some good places to get seeds?

    Hi, i live in Europe and i need some High grade seeds, were can i get some good quality seeds? I am looking for a Indica and Sativa dominated strain. Is it best to get a Pure strain? Cuz i need Indica for sleep, and sativa for parties and stuff. Would be cool to grow a Pure Indica plant and a...
  2. P

    I cant sleep because of alot of thoughts.

    Hi, i am in trouble, i cant sleep anymore.. I never fall alseep before like 5 AM and wake up 5 PM.. I need to get my routine straight! Will Indicas help me clear my head and sleep quickly? My issue is that i can lay for hours and twitch in bed having alot of thoughts, negative thoughts just...
  3. P

    Gotten really paranoid lately.

    When i have gotten high lately i ahve gotten really paranoid and been thinking only negative thoughts,, getting really scared and stuff. Can this be because i have smoked mainly sativa?
  4. P

    Bad highs a couple of times now.

    Yeah dude, its messed up!, im freaking out in one second and silint other... I think its because i am smoking to much and doing to little, haveng had a job or school in 2 years... I have been lousy.. Im 20 now, turning 21.. I think i need to stop smoking and get a job and such and then smoke...
  5. P

    Are you Medicated?

    Have you guys heard this one before? If not put it on headphones, or earbuds
  6. P

    Bad highs a couple of times now.

    I have been getting really paranoid and anxoius lately when smoking alone and with others. Its like suddenly i am paranoid at the start, then it fades away,,, then it comes back,,, and fades away,,,, wtf? Is this normal? O.o
  7. P

    What strain does this look like?

    After grinding it up it smells like kinda Fruity or Sitrusy, and maybe litte earthy. Afraid of smoking some sativa for bed.. will be trippin all night lol
  8. P

    What strain does this look like?

    What kinda strain does this look like? I just picked this up and im going to bed, does this look like a indica or sativa dominat?
  9. P

    Is this kief? Will i get baked?

    Hi, so my weed guy ended up just giving me shake.. I grinded up the shake, and then tapped the grinder a couple of times filtering all the trichomes down to the chamber.. I got this.. I put all of this stuff into a joint, will this get me baked before sleep?
  10. P

    I tok one bong hit and gone.

    I donnu, i dont know what strain. I am not new,, smoked alot before.. But lately i have alot of negative going around in my general life
  11. P

    I tok one bong hit and gone.

    I tok one bonghit and i was faded, it was like words were flying out of my mouth. dident think anything just talked. I dident feel like me.. i was just like all gone.. is this normal? tok a bong hit.. first time bong hit in like 1-2 months
  12. P

    Staying up all night, then smoking.

    Hi, i havent had a job or such in two years now. My sleeping pathern is broken, so i decided to stay up all night and day until like 11PM Tonight. But i was thinking smoking weed would help me stay awake and not feel so sleep. Smoking some weed and drinking monster energy. Heres a pic of the...
  13. P

    What are the best tents for two plants?

    Hi, i want to grow a Indica and a Sativa. One plant of each, what size tent is required for best quality? I want the plants fo ahve enough space and air. Also which tents are the best on the market? Will i be able to get good stuff growing in tents?
  14. P

    The best natural neutrients?

    What are the best all natural neutrients out there? I need the bomb!
  15. P

    Looking for the best Indica and Sativa

    What are the best Indica and Sativa out there? Looking for smell, taste and that great mellow high. Need seed brands i can trust and that are potent as Shizzle!
  16. P

    drgreenthumb reviews?

    So the Doc has the most bomb OG and Sativa? Any other seed brands to recomend for a great pure sativa?
  17. P

    drgreenthumb reviews?

    Anyone else who can say the same?
  18. P

    drgreenthumb reviews?

    Hi, i am looking for that original chronic cali stuff. I live in Norway so i need the package to be stealth shippe. What are some good seed banks i can get high quality genetics? Legit Cali Chronic stuff drgreenthumb Any experience with him?
  19. P

    High quality genetics

    I acutally live in Norway, for growing a plant or two for persoanl use. I will just get a ticket. I need advice to some good Seed banks Which one are beast? Need links. Also i am loking for that legit chronic cali stuff. That good good, i want to grow the best of the best of Sativa and...
  20. P

    High quality genetics

    Hi, SWIM has never growen anything before, because of swims high risk country its difficoult to get quality seeds. Do you guys have any seed banks to recomend? I am considering ordering from or Green House Seeds in Amsterdam. swim needs the seeds to be stealth packaged...