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  1. Daves not here man!


    right! Best Coast finds out about everything last! I stayed away from the computer and RIU because I didnt want to know. what a bust. he will be back though. pink hair dude threw a hell of a punch
  2. Daves not here man!

    Kimbo Just Got Knocked Out!!

    Shamrock pulled out...some new guy with pink hair drops kimbo in 14 seconds... unreal... anyone think kimbo could have kept going?
  3. Daves not here man!


    AS far as rescuing the dogs? Absolutely....its 99.999% chance that they will be euthanized if supsected of fighting. I think these dogs were saved for two reasons. 1. They wanted to prove to people that rehab/retrain is possible and when will you find a bigger stage? 2. It was such a big story...
  4. Daves not here man!


    I love this pic! I can't keep arguing the same points over and over with people who have never owned, handled or even been around a pit. The just do not have ANY first hand info...just what they've read and heard. You guys should check this story out. "Saving Mike Vicks Dogs" Saving...
  5. Daves not here man!


    I have literally been aroung them my entire life and I wasn't sure either. Yeah, you can really see the terrier in the one in the pic. Almos looks like a realy big jack russell. and about the size...your way right...most fighting pits are about 32-50 pounds for a reason...that is the...
  6. Daves not here man!


  7. Daves not here man!


    I agree I wouldnt dream of leaving the house with my dog out of the cage...they do not like to be alone at all
  8. Daves not here man!


    alot of dogs are confused with pit bulls. many are weird mixed breeds....try this it's fun see if you can find the pit Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull
  9. Daves not here man!


    they're awesome! The one in the middle is a realy good lookin dog. I just smoked a few bowls of my amazing OG KUsh and I swear I stared at that pic for like 5 minutes.....he's intense..
  10. Daves not here man!


    I agree! I had a damation when I was really young and he bit me and everyone. My mom sent him to live on a farm. Wait.... I gotta call my mom:sad: seriously though dont quote me but, I think i read somewhere that the breed was a product of severe inbreeding to preserve the coat. but they...
  11. Daves not here man!


    wow! beautiful dog. They are great brother has two and man does he watch them...even though they are just as you say...big babies
  12. Daves not here man!


    that is soo much better than anything I said!:bigjoint: and I said alot
  13. Daves not here man!


    Word! That is really where most of this comes from... The dogs that I have rescued over the years have come from owners and breeders who have no morals that guide their lives...let alone ethics for breeding. Most reputable breeders go to lengthy and expensive ends to ensure that the pups...
  14. Daves not here man!


    :::I don't care how many nice pits you've met, the ones who killed grandparents were "nice" also.:::: No....they were not. and if after all of this debate you can still say something as....uneducated... as that then what is the point Also, you can't just make up stats and use them as...
  15. Daves not here man!


    I urgre you to check out the CDC's web site. The have alot of good studies that mainly show one cannot classify a dangerous dog based on it's breed. Most pits, rots, and any other big tough dog are used by the bad people to protect their bad doings. You could just as easily do a...
  16. Daves not here man!


    umm... Breed Ban IQ Test 1. If you were the sheriff in your town and you learned that Toyotas were disproportionally involved in more auto accidents than any other model, would you: (a) ban Toyotas and confiscate the Toyota of anyone caught driving one (b) arrest the drivers responsible for...
  17. Daves not here man!


    I think we may be arguing the same thing...I agree that pits are "better" at "demolishing" but they dont JUST do that....they sorry I can almost gaurantee that I have been around more of this breed, and most breeds for that matter, and I just havent seen it. You are right that if...
  18. Daves not here man!


    I asked a warranted question of someone who stated many...many...many...untrue facts and sorry.. If that was rule-breaking insult...then um....:wall: I mean on a site where we all have ONE thing in common and we have all argued against a million propaganda spewing goofs who have never smoked...
  19. Daves not here man!


    Oh yeah... somehow the GOOGLE i use produced slightly different results. ( see how any side can spin a story their way) Golden bites baby... Lab...
  20. Daves not here man!


    I was watching this thread and reading both sides of the argument trying not to get involved... But in this political season when we are constantly barraged with people who say things that arent true in order to get their point across, knowing that people will take the shit they say as fact, I...