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  1. S

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    pics of one I "topped" using UB's 4 chola method. Plant has done as predicted , 4 cholas from the main stem, I then trained thise 4 stems to the outside edge of the pot, just string lol. Two were growing a fair bit faster than the other two so i again topped the vigorous branches to let the...
  2. S

    3 leaf seedling!!??!! Green House Super Bud fem.

    got it thanks, lots of good info in there :-)
  3. S

    Skunk#1 plant with 3 branch nodes off main stem, worth preserving?

    TBH the plant looks more like a Hydrangea than hemp LOL, I'll get another pic up
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    Skunk#1 plant with 3 branch nodes off main stem, worth preserving?

    what i'm seeing on the plant now is repeating what you guys have seen , extremely vigorous growth, very thick stems, I guess the next hurdle will be sex. Fem seeds all sisters doing well so I'm hopefull that this weirdo will be fem. I'll know in a few days. Incidentally , I took a second plant...
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    Skunk#1 plant with 3 branch nodes off main stem, worth preserving?

    Hi there, this seedling only had the usual 2 sprout leaves but everything else is in triplicate LOL.
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    Skunk#1 plant with 3 branch nodes off main stem, worth preserving?

    growing in 12ltr buckets with 50% John Innes compost, 25% perlite, 25% vermiculite. I use a weak hydrogen peroxide solution every 3rd watering and the frowned upon MG :-) during veg(with decent results). I also use a weak H202 solution on my cuttings which I feel has greatly increased my...
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    Skunk#1 plant with 3 branch nodes off main stem, worth preserving?

    this plant has 3 branches coming off of each node on the stem rather than the normal 2 branch nodes, therefore at current stage of grow it has 24 side branches while it's sisters have 16( currently 8 nodes on stem.) My thought was to take clone cuttings from the plant b4 flowering to try to keep...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    yeah I have topped already, just on the top node though for 2 cholas, my main query was if it might be worth trying to keep the 3 branch node strain going with cuttings, I guess I'll know when this plant goes to harvest, your thoughts anyone?
  9. S

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Uncle Ben, I could do with an experts advice on this, I was examining my babies with a view to using your 4 chola topping technique and on one of my plants noticed the following. At each node on the stem, instead of the usual 2 leaves and shoots on opposite sides of the stem, this plant has 3...