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  1. C

    New grower vert questions

    Anyone have an idea?
  2. C

    1000w MH vs. 1000w Dual arc for veg?

    Great video, thanks!
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    1000w MH vs. 1000w Dual arc for veg?

    If someone was going for maximum yield, would it be better to use a 1000w MH or a 1000w Dual arc during the veg period (5-10 days)?
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    New grower vert questions

    I have looked around and found this model and think it would be a good starter model for my first grow I was wondering out of the options of irrigation that it gives what would be the best. Also it does not look like it...
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    You simply use 20/20/20 throughout the entire grow process?? Because hydro shop here had a detailed list of different timings every week using a total of about 8-9 different liquids.
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    I'm gonna look into that, thanks alot. Where did you get the Jack you used and would you consider it one of the good phenos? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just so intrigued by all these things and love here people's comments. I could probably pick people's brains for days lol
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    Roots coming out of top soil

    Just a random guess, I'm a noob. But could it be because your soil is having a hard time draining, so most of the water it staying on the top? Causing the roots to push upwards?
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    That looks so crispy :) nice job!
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    Hahaha, awesome comments, thanks bro. Jack would seem to be a great plant to grow, and it's pretty popular over here. I am also reading some great things about AK-47. Have you tried AK and how would you compare Jack and AK? With enough comments from people's experience I might finally get the...
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    Ok thanks alot for that. What has been your best plant to grow, simplicity/yield?
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    Not potent? I would have to disagree, as the Cotton Candy I had tried on my trip to B.C was very potent stuff and it was delicious. From what I have read it yields quite well as well and is resistant. If you were to suggest a superior strain, what would it be? I am looking for something that my...
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    Would really appreciate any experience/advice on this strain. I would want to know if this strain is good for a 12/12 from seed lighting and how it reacts to lst and topping. It's such a great plant but info seems to be limited :(
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    Can you give your experience about which nutes it is picky about? And had you tried any lst/topping to see how it reacted to it?
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    Cotton Candy strain grow advice

    Looking for people who have experience with Cotton Candy grow, what nutes it likes, how much space/light it likes, veg and flower times etc. Also wondering if this would be a good 12/12 from seed plant, or what your opinions on obtaining the highest yields from a 1000w light...
  15. C

    Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions

    Ok, thanks for that. So would you guys think that if I were to veg say 12 plants for about 3 weeks, then switch them to flowering and use 6 plants under each light (or a single light where I move the plants) for a 12/12 would yield the largest yields?
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    Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions

    When you say a high yielding variety are you talking about the strain or the growing technique?
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    Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions

    You got almost 2lbs from a single 1000w using 12/12? As for the veg process, you are able to cram in twice the amount in the same space because the plants are still small? And how come you say it will cost more electricity? Wouldn't it cost you less electricity per gram of harvest in the end...
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    Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions

    So no matter the technique used 1000w should always cover 6x6 area of plants?
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    Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions

    Well I am looking to maximize the potential for those 1000 watts. The 1000 watts is only basically for the lighting, as I don't want to go higher than that. Theoretically there would be a room for the mothers for cloning. There is enough room for any size plants, but if the room could be built...
  20. C

    Making the most out of 1000w? Experienced grower's opinions

    Hey everyone, new to the forums and doing some research. There's alot of good info on here, and I have been reading for a while, but it's still difficult to accurately tell what the best techniques are since I am not experienced enough. If a person was interested in starting a grow of Purple...