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  1. buddys311


    Righ right Dude she ran out of water so she jus filled the extras up> thinkin about shooting it woth some humbolt county honey bee carbo load 1/4 strength. Dunno hope I can get exactly what to do I jus need to counter balance the chlorine> OH if anybody looking for great soil at a cheap price...
  2. buddys311

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Can sombody please tell me how to revive tap water damaged 8 inch plants in 3 gal soil container
  3. buddys311

    Can someone help me out

    Are you feedin it tap water that has not sat for 24 hour?
  4. buddys311


    Thanks Dude I just need to fins out what a nuetrilizer for chlorine is my stains are abundant and cant afford to lose them. Thanks Wife!!!!!!!!!!
  5. buddys311


    My wife fed the babys tap water before it sat need them to bounce back What to do please????:wall:
  6. buddys311

    Hermies in Action

    so would it be ok 2 leave it in the spot whrere its at in the last days of flowering