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  1. KeeponTugging


    A baguette filled with hot roast chicken + mayonnaise + melted butted + bacon and a side of hot chips with aioli is a sure winner when you're ravenous! :bigjoint:
  2. KeeponTugging

    Trying Salvia

    Salutations all, I've purchased 10g of Salvia divinorum leaves via a local grower. I intend to smoke a very small amount out of a bong to get used to the plant. I will have a sitter present, a good friend. I'm curious about the relaxation and meditative properties of Salvia. I welcome all...
  3. KeeponTugging

    Bud blunt?

    The latter of course, i'm thinking that you could 'glue' the leaves together with hemp oil? A bit of searching and I've come across this : :mrgreen:
  4. KeeponTugging

    Bud blunt?

    I was wondering if a blunt made out of 100% weed is possible? :confused:
  5. KeeponTugging

    What Are You Listening To?
  6. KeeponTugging

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi, I'm a casual smoker, started smoking a little under a year ago. I'm not a grower, though I do have a more than curious interest in growing. :lol: