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  1. J

    turned my males into hash

    thats very clever, imagine having a large scale operation like 20 plants, then youd have (about) 10 males and a whole lot of hash that you would otherwise have thrown out, im deifnetly doing this form now on i mean theres no point in wasting it, esp if its a good strain i have one question...
  2. J

    sourcing research chemicals.

    google it know exactly whcih ones you want and google them for chemical distribution companies if you live in the usa its gonna be hard because any 2c-x is an analog of amphetamine and thus illegal
  3. J

    After L.S.D.

    calm down, its hppd (halucinogen persisting perception disorder) it happens when you take too many hallucinogenics for an extended period stop now, take nothing ofr a year, if its still happening then it may be permanent
  4. J

    What's the OTHER demographic for this site?

    i was born a small black child...... haha i love steve martin im white thoo nicee! whos native american? thats sick
  5. J

    what's the demographic of this forum?

    19, you have to be 18 to be on here right? or is it 19? i swear ive seen at least like 7 posts by explicityl underaged kids on here in the past few days haha
  6. J

    The Time Has Come, You Got Balls,Or are you a pussy, cuz Im callin you out!

    this ideas so crazy..... it just might work sorry, my stoned mind really cant think of anything else to say at this aprticular momento but i agree, il join you brother
  7. J

    Doomsday Tomorrow

    mass hysteria much?
  8. J


    hash is just really strong, i had some morrocan hash while in france three summers ago, they dont have much bud there so i thought id give it a shot and WOW it was pretty harsh but the high was intense, like full body vibrations (my imagination at least)
  9. J

    Another example of our awesome legal system

    wow what a load of shit, i wouldve stayed with the girl and tried to calm her down, wait a little then call the cops on my cell if her parents dont return what a bunch of assholes in the store tho
  10. J

    hmmm go to college for botany???

    sounds like an aweosme job, you could do botanical research during the day (which no joke sounds pretty interesting, im something of a science geek) and grow weed in your spare time
  11. J

    Does Smoking Nutmeg Get you High?

    i did this like 2 years ago when i couldnt do any other drugs so it hought id try it i ate 2 teaspoons of finely ground primo nutmeg (lol) it takes a really long time to hit you, like 4-6 hours, and the high is more weirdness and not that fun, its nice though if you want a change
  12. J

    Undercover cops

    i live in north jersey and sometimes i go to newark to cop drugs, undercover cops are pretty easy to spot, they have different haircuts, wear really stupid clothes, act extra sketchy and just dont fit in even on the busiest drug street
  13. J

    My pic in high times!!!

    high times is one of my most read magazines!!! (along with time and newsweek) wow this is awesome, one of use rollitupers in HT, il see you in the next issue!!
  14. J

    Can we generalize the effect of being High?

    whenever i smoke pt i just get thrown into a fit of rage and i fuck people up no im kididng, i just get very social and satisfied with life, i LOVE the part about overthinking everything, its the icing on the cake
  15. J

    stupid lies your DARE counselor told you about pot (and other drugs)

    haha thank youu ! seriously, whenever i tell someone that i like doing ecstasy once a month or even tripping on acid every once in a blue moon they freak out and tell me that im going to have irreparible brain damage soon, i just cant wait until people finnaly realize that they cant trust...
  16. J

    The Time I Punched The Bong

    hahahahhaha that mustve been intense, i can totally see time slowing down and the bong flying through the air like in cartoons and whatnot
  17. J

    stupid lies your DARE counselor told you about pot (and other drugs)

    please tell me your really high and your kidding around ecstasy is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) its a hallucinogenic amphetamine, its somehat simmilar to meth (which doesnt put holes in your brain) except it causes alrge releases of serotonin, which is why you get the happy lovey...
  18. J

    One thing i fucking hate

    yo dudes, jsut remember that ignorance is bliss, its easier for idiots to just ignor ethe facts about weed and say that its a drug like heorin or coke, they dont care about erowid or NORML cause its easier to be a fuckface haha this thread makes me wanna go outside and smoke another bowl real...
  19. J

    how much in a quarter

    oh god what the hell are you talking about how could a nickle be more than a dime? ok where im form a nickle is .3 a dime is .5 and a g is 1.0 sometimes you might get less if your dealer sucks or more is hes your best friend (my situation) seriously why would you btoher even buying a nickle...
  20. J

    stupid lies your DARE counselor told you about pot (and other drugs)

    hahahhaha i totally shoulda asked that!!!!! unfortuantely i was pretty new to the drug scene back then, sometimes i think about visiting her and embarassing her in front of a class with questions liek that tho