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  1. ace holmes

    Research chems Honest scientific Use

    yeah so i sent the site a message they never rplyd so i feel like a turd i just wanna buy legal drugs a sad day for researchers
  2. ace holmes

    Research chems Honest scientific Use

    Well as far as i know they arent scheduled they just arent supposed to sell specifically for "human consumption", its legal to take them just not sell them for ppl right? How else could any research be done if i cant give it to mice.
  3. ace holmes

    Research chems Honest scientific Use

    yeah im serious i want to know there uses cause this site wont let me buy them without a legit reason
  4. ace holmes

    Research chems Honest scientific Use

    Could anyone help me find links to sites with legitimate uses for the following chemicals -mdpv -5-meodalt -dpt -2c i -2c e 2c c
  5. ace holmes

    Hey There kidz just a warning

    Okay so i dont say this site is bad or anything I love weed and drugs of course all of us do but okay if your like still a kid and your up on this site you want weed i dont care why you want to grow:leaf: but dont if you live at home with parents or an apartment or just throwing seeds in your...
  6. ace holmes


    lol ok watever
  7. ace holmes


    migranes is wat she got but like wat symptoms shood i describe
  8. ace holmes


    what would get me vicodine prescribed cuz my friends mom gets it for headaches and im wondering if i could get sum too
  9. ace holmes

    nitrous tank ?'s

    u cood just buy a tank over the net and itll be empty so it wont have any shit in it u cood pretty much use any tank try a local sporting goods store like dicks for tanks itll probly cheaper than the automotive ones and u can fill a tank with any type of gas ull just need a nozzle to shoot up...
  10. ace holmes

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    first time i lost it i was 16 she was 17 but it was great cuz i actually broke her cherry a month earlier we did it like three times that night we went crazy we did it like 20 times that week broke like three condoms so much drama lolz stoned only during the first time though sobered up for two...
  11. ace holmes

    Why I do not do LSD

    Dude ur so fing stupid its not jesus that save u just have fucken scitzophrania.... my whole family has and shit we dont go crying to jesus wen we do acid... take sum seraquel and shut up.. and y u bringing religion here honestly what did u expect
  12. ace holmes

    Q&A how and can i make weed pills

    thanx dude i didnt just wanna grind up an oz for nothin
  13. ace holmes

    Q&A how and can i make weed pills

    besides grind it up do i need to do anything to the bud before i put in the capsules
  14. ace holmes

    Q&A how and can i make weed pills

    I recently ground up some shrooms and made them into pills could i do this with bud:?: and could u explain the process of preperation? sorry its probly in the wrong category my bad im a noob here.
  15. ace holmes

    how much does vicodin cost

    eat the vicos dont sell... take two every hour around the eighth pill ur just melting its fuckin awsum but its such a clean high i got a 99% on bio test its was hard as fuck though
  16. ace holmes

    marijuana halucinations?

    once i bought some and it gave me a weird effect everything had a trail ,another time i was lagging literaly like skipin seconds like id b at the bottom of a stair case and then at the top , this other time i was staring out a window and i felt like i was were i was staring , this other time i...
  17. ace holmes

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    grapefruit is the best stuff i had one hit ur high as hell (i was makin out with my gf and i fell off one hit good shit the only other thingthat compared was mushrooms idk man has anyone heard of this stuff its minnesota local