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  1. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    The new growth is fine, I fed it full strength nutes yesterday, and the stunted plants started growing quickly again seems like once I feed, they get better for a day or two, then start deteriorating again.
  2. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    So what do you suggest I do, give me advice, and I will do it.
  3. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    No, I gave them twice as much as I was giving them, and yesterday I gave them two TBS per gallon, and Liebe, I said I'm feeding them MORE NITROGEN THAN PHOSPHATE, 2-0.5-1.5 damn, I'm not not believing you all, but I HAVE FED THEM PLENTY OF NITROGEN, like, WAY way WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much in...
  4. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    The PH is about 6.8-7.4. The nutrients I use are called Buddha Grow, it is a 2-0.5-1.5 mix. I was suggested by some people on the forum to flush them, and then give them a good watering with half strength nutes, which I did. This was about a week ago, they have not gotten any better, but worse...
  5. C

    Help diagnose these ladies!

    It is just the bottom leaves, but lately the mid-top leaves are starting to pale and look like they will start turning yellow.
  6. C

    Help diagnose these ladies!

    So, yea... here they are, yellowing from bottom up, pretty crappy. 7 weeks into veg now, and they continue to yellow. It is NOT a nitrogen deficiency. Last week I flushed and then fed with half strength organic nutrients(2-0.5-1.5). I have given them plenty of nitrogen, and they are dieing...
  7. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    It's definitely not a nitrogen deficiency, I have given them plenty of nitrogen and they continue to yellow.
  8. C

    Dieing, bad yellowing.

    Okay, so here they are, couldn't get a recent picture, but they are about a week older than these, and about twice as bad as they are. There is new growth on a couple of them, but the new growth on the smaller plants is frayed and looks eaten away at the edges of the leaves, but there are NO...
  9. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    No, I'm not flowering, as you can see, they are vegetative...and 2% nitrogen, .5% Phosphate....not the other way around.
  10. C

    Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help

    Okay, so here they are, couldn't get a recent picture, but they are about a week older than these, and about twice as bad as they are. There is new growth on a couple of them, but the new growth on the smaller plants is frayed and looks eaten away at the edges of the leaves, but there are NO...
  11. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    They now look a lot better, although the older leaves are still yellow, they are continuing to grow, quickly it seems, and the new growth is okay.
  12. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    I'm going to go ahead and flush them with 1/2 strength nutrient per gallon and see what happens. Will post more pics if they get better/worse and make this into a journal.
  13. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    So you think that underwatering has caused the bottom- mid leaves to start turning yellow? like banana yellow? So what you are saying is that the plant isn't getting enough nutrients?
  14. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    No, I soaked them last night 2TSP of 2-0.5-1.5 per gallon, 2 gallons split up between all of them, I'm going to let them completely dry and then dose them heavily with a gallon and 2 TSP each plant, and see what happens.
  15. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    Okay, I'm gonna go with his idea, so I'll let it completely dry out, let it dry out for a week-2, then water at 1/2 strength a gallon per each plant and see what happens.
  16. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    I split a gallon of water between 6 plants that are 15-18 inches tall every 3-4 days, that's still too much water?
  17. C

    Please help me, diagnose this plant!

    Bottom leaves from bottom turning BRIGHT yellow and then curling up and dieing. from bottom up, need a remedy before plants die.
  18. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    Is there anything that you would suggest I try, besides buying more nutes? I am broke, is there a cheap solution?
  19. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    I looked at iron deficiency/mag deficiency pictures and it doesn't look like the plants in mine, mine the bottom leaves are like banana yellow.
  20. C

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    Watering every 3-4 days, once soil about 3 inches down is dry..