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  1. Swill

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    I agree. Besides, I quit cigarettes almost 3 years ago so mixing it in my weed would be a bad idea. Plus, cigarettes are too expensive to be mixing with weed.
  2. Swill

    Are Yeilds AsBad as people Make Out guys?

    What does that video have to do with aerogardens?
  3. Swill

    Are Yeilds AsBad as people Make Out guys?

    It would def be an improvement. You could use that CFL or HPS light, 100, 200 watt, etc. HPS would def give you a better yield. I use one 200 watt full spectrum CFL for veg. I completely remove the light hood off my aerogarden and never use it again. For Flower I use my 250 watt HPS. This all...
  4. Swill

    3rd AG Attempt

    Stop using aerogarden nute tablets. Go to and buy Foxfarm nutes, the hydro kind of course. And yes, you're gonna need a better PH test kit. Good PH testers will cost you but for now you can buy an easy aquarium test kit at any pet store.
  5. Swill

    Are Yeilds AsBad as people Make Out guys?

    I wouldn't say useless. The lights are fine for veg but not so good for flower. For flower u should use a seperate light altogether.
  6. Swill

    How much algae is to much?

    I'm gonna say any algae is to. o much. I'm still a noob to DWC but H202 (hydrogen peroxide) will help and I'm there are other solutions as well, which someone will hopefully find this thread and add their knowledge. So now we play the waiting game...
  7. Swill

    DWC problems. Root Rot & algae :(

    I don't think its my air pump. I'm using a Petco pump, the biggest the sell, with four outputs, and there was plenty of bubbles. I e think it was the container itself. It had no leaks but as you've described it isn't completely light proof.
  8. Swill

    DWC problems. Root Rot & algae :(

    Hadn't thought of using a cooler, interesting. Ok, I like it. So long rubbermaid, hello cooler.
  9. Swill

    DWC problems. Root Rot & algae :(

    Recently I tried to build my first DWC out of an 18 gallon Rubbermaid tub. I built it, I had four 15 inch airstones inside, I cut opening for my plants, filled it with nute rich water, which stayed at a constant 69 degrees, and I'm all set. There was no light leaks per say but I did notice the...
  10. Swill

    Figi water grandaddy purps?.

    Did I leave my hat in here?
  11. Swill

    pics first time grow

    Thats a great rule! Good stuff.
  12. Swill

    DWC, 32 gal. bubbleponics

    This thread needs pics!
  13. Swill

    cuttings starting to root.. now what?

    You should let the roots grow for a couple more days. You want strong, long roots.
  14. Swill

    aerogarden short rider grow . seeds came FINALLY!!!

    When you flower do you plan on putting the plants under a HPS, CFL, or sticking with the AG stock light?
  15. Swill

    Water tempature for aerogarden?

    Hi guys, first time poster in this forum. I got a space saver 6 for xmas and have 3 little sprouts (LA Woman fem and 2 reg Kiwi) who seem to be growing at a really fast rate. I'm very impressed. I recently had great success with soil and wanted to go hydro next and I'm thinking of staying with...
  16. Swill

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Very nice set up and that's one healthy, happy looking plant you have there! Happy growing.
  17. Swill

    LA Woman (first grow)

    I too ordered from attitude and got free LA Woman and she's the first seed I'm sprouting. I have yet to pick up my Northern Lights. Anyway, LA was placed into rockwool cub two days and she's sprouting already. I think I'll start a grow journal too so we can compare. Good luck to ya, paying for...
  18. Swill

    Everybodys opinion welcomed. About Hawaii btw

    I was born in honolulu and I support this thread and the legalization of marijuana. Make it so.
  19. Swill

    MY girlfriend pisses me off...

    Yeah I say ditch her. She's always going to be playing these bullshit mind games and that will only drive you mad. Leave her but do it nicely. She is the type of girl who will narc you to the police if you piss her off. So move your plants, do what you gotta do because I suspect she's nothing...
  20. Swill

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    Basically everything I was going write about this topic has already been written. I agree with the quoted post above and completely disagree with the author of this thread. Legalize marijuana so I can finally become a pot farmer without fear of going to jail.