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  1. N

    NEED HELP!!!!!:p

    Ok this is my first time ever growing!!! I need some advice ok I want to order seeds online but there are so many different kinds. Should i just pick anyones? are there harder strains to grow for experience weed growers? or are there easyer strains to grow?. I am growing in dirt and just don't...
  2. N

    Where Do I Get Seeds!!!:P

    No there is no way i can get a clone:( does anyone know any good seed bank sites please reply
  3. N

    Where Do I Get Seeds!!!:P

    :leaf: I need some help k I live in ontario just moved there and i don't know anyone who grows so I have no way to get seeds or clones....... I know you could order them online but I was told that the 2 trusted seed banks in canada were shut down because of conservative goverment and i do not...
  4. N

    Pic's Of A Pipe My Bestfriend Made Me : )

    :leaf: This is a pipe my best friend made me. He also made me a box to put it in, and also other cool things for the pipe I love it its made out of clay its so cute i love it it's so me :leaf: