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  1. mountaindude530

    FUNGUS gnats (how to destroy)

    Alright so I had a rediculous fungus gnat infestation in my room and I do a variation of DWC/ebb-n-flow systems... I commited genocide on those bastards and only see like maybe one or two flying around every other day (only been a couple weeks) So After they popped up and began multiplying...
  2. mountaindude530

    No More ARGUING on RIU

    Wow.. like 50% of this thread turned into more argumentative posts, thank you for reiterating my point.. All I was trying to get accross was that all the stupid bickering just takes up space in the threads and makes it a pain in the ass to find the ACTUALLY useful posts.. I thought that maybe...
  3. mountaindude530

    No More ARGUING on RIU

    I really hate seeing arguing on this fucking website, it makes me feel like a tool for even being a member here:dunce:.. I'm not an old man, In my twenties and I try to keep my skills pushin like everyone else should, so step up and use the fuckin website for helpful advice, not immature...
  4. mountaindude530

    Leaves rolling / curling inward from the sides

    Nice jondaman, I hadn't thought of that man... I actually think it's a combination of those 2.. I'm less than a week away so it should be alright.. no other leaves seem to be showing the same symtoms so I'm 99% sure that this diagnosis is correct.. GOTTA be environmental and those 2 are the best...
  5. mountaindude530

    Leaves rolling / curling inward from the sides

    Man really?.. Crickets....
  6. mountaindude530

    Leaves rolling / curling inward from the sides

    So I'm about two weeks from harvest, I noticed that some of the very top fan leaves are curling slightly inward at the sides, not too seriously (Think of holding a piece of binder paper by the sides).. They are a nice rich green color with no discoloration, the only problem is that they're...
  7. mountaindude530

    FLUSHING --- Purpose of & Benefits

    fixin this post...
  8. mountaindude530

    Building new grow room--ventilation and fan question

    100 cfm's is really not very adequate if your using a carbon filter because the filter can decrease the overall exchange by a lot.. up to 30% from what I've measured myself.. Zack -- You may be okay if it's the big disc-like blower that your using.. (what's the cfm rating for it).. but if...
  9. mountaindude530

    Building new grow room--ventilation and fan question

    those specs are for optimal performance, The tent is absolutely not going to burn down.. Physics is my major and I'll tell you the chances of, even two thouey's, burnin or melting that tent is a couple of million to one.. Literally Those specs are to deter people from having serious...
  10. mountaindude530

    water reservoir upkeep

    The more light proof the better, sounds like a small hole but always shoot for no light at all (obviously).. should be alright It can and most likely will play home to these little fuckers called "fungus gnats" (arguably the worst possibility cause their larvae eat away at the roots) & they...
  11. mountaindude530

    Building new grow room--ventilation and fan question

    IMO thouy's (1000 watters) produce much denser colas because of the intensity of the lighting.. 2 6's will give you like 180,000 lumens and a thou will give you 145,000... not a bad deal for less power, less startup cost, and easier management.. With one thouey you could put a carbon filter in...
  12. mountaindude530

    Do You Let Your pH Fluctuate or Hold Constant?

    I would just like to put in 2 more cents real quick.. When the pH swings super far from that happy middle point, certain nutrients are more soluble, but others are also less soluble.. so the goal with the swing I'm guessing is to go back and forth making the various elements extremely soluble...
  13. mountaindude530

    water reservoir upkeep

    Nicely put Beaver.. The key is to keep that resy, the medium, and grow containers as light proof as possible.. algae can only grow where it see's light.. Also.. h2o2 is useful cause it kills almost all fungi and bacteria by providing a highly aerobic environment even beneficial ones .. so...
  14. mountaindude530

    Do You Let Your pH Fluctuate or Hold Constant?

    In my experience, I've done best by setting the pH at 5.8 and then if it goes above to 6.0 I counter to 5.6 for balance and then try to get back to 5.8.. I understand the drift for catching the the variety of elements.. but IMO the more important aspect here is BALANCE, which is where the 5.8...
  15. mountaindude530

    Venting grow room

    W'sup go-big.. ya gotta have vented lights cause' your gonna need to get all that heat out... your best bet if you wanted to only use one fan would be this: -You would need a 465 cfm fan either a boxy squirrel fan or a BLower (either one is about a hundred bucks at a grow store) and ducting...
  16. mountaindude530

    Harvest, dry and cure!

    That was a hell of a post Brick Top (+rep man).. Way to go above and beyond.. I kiiinda disagree though with the curing thing.. After it's fully ripended and harvested the Delta-9 TetraHydraC. (that loveable thc) starts to fall into it's half-life cycle, so it actually starts to degrade a...
  17. mountaindude530

    OG kush X Skywalker

    Thanks Mr. G-thumb.. I know I have high hopes for em...
  18. mountaindude530

    OG kush X Skywalker

    I've come accross the opportunity to get some clones of OG X Skywalker babies. I'm just wonderin if anyone's got some info on those genetics. I've found some stuff about the strain and it looks BOMB.. but I'm just wonderin about the performance of the plants: yield, height, flowering time...
  19. mountaindude530

    who is the light expert?

    One thousand watt hood provides deeper foilage penetration but obviously 2 600's would provide more surface area.. i guess it's to each his own choice.. i just thought that was a little fun fact.. I did an experiment with that too and it's true.. the 1000 does provide better penetration (you...
  20. mountaindude530

    Co2 Perfection

    yea you don't have to listen to every idiot on rollitup, thats why I said we can offer input, not facts.. you don't like the advice, go to another fuckin thread I said you don't want your plants to stretch because stretching during vegatative state can increase internode space (more branch in...