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  1. BuddyMatt

    First Time grow in az

    Im still really new at all of this still but i can tell you that you should water it when the sun it at its peck i heard it will burn the roots up well cook em. give around hour before dark or before light. that what i would do. like i said im a newbi. i like your location for the plant by the way.
  2. BuddyMatt

    Grape God smoke report

    Oh Mister Green thumb over here Fuck I cant wait to have some plants like that.
  3. BuddyMatt

    How Much light????

    I am going To grow Marijuana. I just planted my plants and i think that i can leave light on them untill so many weeks can some one Help me with this. how long or somthing??
  4. BuddyMatt

    I found something and have a question!

    Id say your right :) but i would move it no matter what if i were you so it dosnt polly you FeMales.
  5. BuddyMatt

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Thanks alot!!! but i have one more ?'s So when it at the moisture i like and i can store it does it matter the temp i store it in??
  6. BuddyMatt

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Just about how cool does the room have to be? This is my 1st harvest and i have 7 plants im getting ready to do. and the nights sometimes get pretty cold here i just dont want to fuck up. Im going to harvest the same as you do it. its the best way ive heard.