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  1. Enzee

    Recently Transferred Seedling

    Update: Thanks guys, I realize now that the roots weren't really established enough for a transfer - lesson learned for next season! As for the sad-looking plant, it's leaves have perked back up, I've put it back in the garage next to a large window, and it's doing fine once again. Hopefully...
  2. Enzee

    Recently Transferred Seedling

    Hi, My seedlings are 3 weeks old, recently I transferred them (2) into larger pots, they've been in for 30 hours - however, one of them isn't looking too great, the leaves are drooping and the stalk is struggling to stay upright - although it has been very windy and it's been knocked around a...
  3. Enzee

    Strong wind vs. Seedling

    Hi, I've recently transferred 2 week old seedlings outside into large pots - they were previously growing in trays in a window sill. 1 of the seedlings is being blown around quite severely by strong wind, the leaves are still perked up, but the stem is slightly bent, but it just looks like it's...
  4. Enzee

    Would you rather have a larger quantity of bad bud or smaller quantity of good bud?

    Most definitely would have the smaller amount of good bud. One bong rip instead of five is always better.
  5. Enzee

    do you think games can replace movies?

    Yes - to some extent. I love how games, especially RPG's are influenced heavily by you, the gamer, and how you can choose how the story is told. It's like making your own movie in a way, especially with all the fancy cinematic cut-scenes that are becoming a common theme these days. But there...
  6. Enzee

    Trippiest strain you've smoked? Let's hear your experience!

    Not sure of the strain, but I had about 5 or so massive rips of it. I was so blazed. I was couch-bound, not talking or moving, and I had a burning sensation in my nose, this sensation lasted for about 10 minutes and I legitimately thought my nose was spraying blood out of it. I kept checking my...
  7. Enzee

    I have began a Journey of serving the "Real God" fuck religion though

    Science > Religion Unless proven otherwise with SOLID evidence.
  8. Enzee

    Your Stoner Lingo

    I live in New Zealand, our stoner lingo isn't that extreme. NZ Stoner lingo 101 $20 NZD will get you 0.8g-1.2g of bud, usually always wrapped in tinfoil, which we call a tin. Dealers are usually called tinnie houses. "Yo, I'll go get a tin and we'll have a blaze." Fiddy bags are fiddy bags...
  9. Enzee

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone, I'm a new grower and thought I'd come to this forum for advice, I've already learnt most of what I need to know just by lurking previous threads, lol. But I'm sure I'll have questions in the future - currently have 6 seedlings about 2 weeks old, which will be planted in a remote...