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  1. C

    can anyone identify this? webs or mould?

    right in the middle of the pic its attached to stem and bud late stages of flowering / drying
  2. C

    outdoor and dense buds

    also i found mould in a few of the most dense buds. should i now inspect all of the buds right to the middle before i hang them? how easily do the spores spread to other buds i guess is what im asking. I can spot the bud rot before the mould completely reaches the outside
  3. C

    outdoor and dense buds

    hey MojoRison, do you find light greatly affects taste/potency while drying, or is the RH and temp more important?
  4. C

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    do these worms leaves tight white webs in the nugs, that are stringy if you pull it apart? the worms are on it for sure but i want to make sure its not mould.
  5. C

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    nah it started flowering mid august but didnt get put in the ground till july 1. its about 4 ft tall its a 50/50 from Pyramid
  6. C

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    thanks for the help ill most likely wait another week
  7. C

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    hey this is my first real grow, white widow sativ outdoor 6 1/2 weeks into flowering. anyone think this bud looks done? leaves are yellowing fast with new pistils still forming. any input appreciated thanks.