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  1. B

    Purple Slow Growth

    Cold nights in comparision with the day temp will cause leaves to purple and can stunt growth. Although hybrids also can purple at the end of the cycle, and the buds also do aswell. Though its probably because of the cold, its a hard factor to change.
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    Half a leaf is yellow & the middle crease Pics inside

    Don't skip veg state, jheeez. Youl end up with nothing. Its all about patience my friend. Treat your ladies with care and respect and reap the rewards.
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    Leaves from branches partly yellow and curl up

    No problem, I wouldn't worry on it too much, its a minor. As popcorn said, Epsom salts is a good shout, but just keep doing what your doing and see what happens. Don't expect them leaves to regenerate though, as they won't. Keep an eye on everything else
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    Drooping Fan Leaves?

    Yeah, underwatering. water is what gives the plant its structure and rigidity. Underwater and it has no structure. Overwater and it gets too heavy
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    Leaves from branches partly yellow and curl up

    I think mg def may be a good shout tbh, Epsom salts will fix that, but see how the nutes take effect first, over-nuting is worse than under nuting.
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    Leaves from branches partly yellow and curl up

    Nope not at all :) my 2 are 5' almost ready to harvest, with a lot on, and many fan leaves have discolouration, its going to happen. If you can finish a plant with all leaves perfect then you are a herbology expert :p keep it going dude, there looking good
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    First time grow - having some issues

    Just use natural light until they have opened and started sprouting first leaves, then your journey begins under the light ;)! I hope all goes well, first grow is an awesome experience
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    Leaves from branches partly yellow and curl up

    Tbh heat stress isn't too hard to fix if it is that, but I doubt it is. Seriously mate just keep an eye on it and see how it goes once nutes come into play, could be plant is in need of more nutes because it is flowering
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    Gas man is coming round!!!!!!!

    This is harsh, I had the same problem and both plants died as a result of keeping them covered. I think you should just keep them going mate, fuck him it ain't his house. And about the smell, just smoke a spliff whilst he is there, he will be none the wiser.
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    Need help identifying problem leaves yellow an falling off

    What size pots do you have? The plants will naturally start shedding leaves during the final stages of flowering, as the plant believes it is autumn, but your plants don't look nearly done. It could be the plant has outgrown the pots. It happened to me before, I reported, and within days it was...
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    Calcium deficency or Phosphorus deficency? HELP! Oraganic way to treat??

    Your nutes you use should have sufficient phosphorus in, but if its a ph problem then its unable to be used. Flush, level ph and see what happens from there
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    Leaves from branches partly yellow and curl up

    Looks like a deficiency of some kind tbh, see if it gets any better /stops happening when nutes are being used
  13. B

    Seeds not germinating, help please.

    heres a bit of a radical idea but it worked for me when having problems with germination; i left my oven to heat up to a low temperature (120c), put the seeds in between 2 plates with ye ol' paper towel and water trick, let the oven cool and put the plate into it for bout 10 minutes, this makes...
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    new growth yellowing and straggly (2weeks flowering)

    we have 2 blue cheese plants in soil. have been growing perfectly up until now. for about 3 days now the new growth has been coming through yellowy and the leaves are very thin and straggly/stringy they were growing fine, we switched the light from 18/6 to 12/12 about 2 weeks ago. continued to...