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  1. V

    Half the leaves turned brown...overnight???

    They are about 4 weeks old from germinated seeds. If these are done...can someone tell me why? I don't want to repeat a mistake, nor continue nurturing the other 18 seedlings if this is a contagious plant disease. I didnt start nutrient feeding until about 3 weeks. I'll lay off the neem oil...
  2. V

    Half the leaves turned brown...overnight???

    So both the seedlings in the attached pics were fine yesterday, and when I checked them last night I did not see the brown tips like shown in the pics. Did not water or add nutes yesterday. They are in organic MG potting soil from Walmart and being fed with a weak MG indoor plant liquid feed...
  3. V

    Another "first time grow, how do these look" post

    Thank you. I figured I was a little paranoid...and definitely suspected overwatering. It's just so hard to feel the heat of that lamp on my face and not give the plants a little drink! I will restrain myself going forward.
  4. V

    Another "first time grow, how do these look" post

    I've got 20 sprouts from bag seed growing in organic potting soil I bought from Walmart. They're in 16oz styrofoam cups with holes in the bottom. Drains well. In a 4x4 grow tent with door open and fan blowing cool air in. Temps around 85, and I'll be getting an inline fan this weekend to...