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  1. Y

    Male or female plz help!!pics!!!!

    yea i'd chucked the bastard heh and i dunno about foilage my hydroponics water pump died on me roots went untreated with water for 3 days i k now im a bastard!
  2. Y

    Male or female plz help!!pics!!!!

    I dunno if this is male or female .. looks like the balls not sure :?
  3. Y

    Seed grew in garbage can!!!!

    easiest way to germinate is this my friend .. put them in rockwool .. soak the rockwool... put thoose slurpie big top lids over the rockwool .. and wiat :D
  4. Y

    First time grower !! Need advice

    This is my first grow ..there under 150 hps 16/8 .. organic nutes hydro ponic system .. i need to know if there looking healthy or i need to change somehting up ? is this a proper color of leaf for this age of the plant?
  5. Y

    What has happened to my plants? Help me ASAP!

    mine are doing the same thing i dunno what it is .... i tried to cut off the watering but apprently it didnt do nothing .. i watered them more and it didnt do nohting .. the deathdrop continues!
  6. Y

    What's up with this?

    loool wtf happened??? is that even weed
  7. Y

    Shes FAINTING!!!! HELP !!!

    i feed the three clones the extact same outta water how would the other two be good and this guy not so well ..
  8. Y

    Shes FAINTING!!!! HELP !!!

    yea rockwool and i water twice a day .. usually when i see its dry temp about 25 humidity about 70 i got air circulation with two fans .. and two fans for exhausting out stale air .. the other two clones look perfectly fine expect this little guy
  9. Y

    Shes FAINTING!!!! HELP !!!

    I have three clones the other two are just fine just this one guy seems to be all sad and fainting !! plz help save her!! whats wrong with her??.. light is 16 hours on .. water ph is between 6/8 using nutriants threw water.. light is more then enough distance away from plant .. it just started...