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  1. Tr33top

    Tiger's current grow(150wHPS/bagseed)

    Well you have time to experiment so go for it man, the way I see it is it can only get worse or better a d it also will give you an opportunity to better your skills. Dam I just realized yours are so ahead of mines.
  2. Tr33top

    Tiger's current grow(150wHPS/bagseed)

    Dam I Didn't know it was that bad I would up the nutes on the tall one. How far along are you in flowering because if your way ahead/ late in flowering the yellowing is totally natural.but it shouldn't yellow until the last couple weeks.
  3. Tr33top

    Tiger's current grow(150wHPS/bagseed)

    Idk man I'm stumped, glad to see the curse Is over and the recovery of The LSD. As for the plants I do agree it looks like it needs some N, as for the leafs curling my best bet would either heat stress or your PH is all wacky which maybe be causing a lockout of N . But who knows wait and see...
  4. Tr33top

    6 weeks and still small buds, 2 weeks left

    The last two weeks are when the buds begin to swell and pack on some weight. I would suggest that you use some molasses aswell if your not currently using it.
  5. Tr33top

    prepare leaves for rolling j's

    Hahaha yes sir
  6. Tr33top

    prepare leaves for rolling j's

    Hahaha I knew you would be in here tiger, but that shit looks crazy make me wanna try it,
  7. Tr33top

    Tiger's current grow(150wHPS/bagseed)

    Ok I see this thread is staring to take off, everything is looking good keep It up man.
  8. Tr33top

    Losing Fan Leaves - Heat, Overfeeding,Underfeeding?

    I am also having the same issue,ill keep an eye on this thread hopefully some one can help us
  9. Tr33top

    About Germinating Red Bell Seeds

    Yeah i have had the mold grow on my soil aswell i just gave up on strawberry's for know. Man + rep for the weed I would trade my peppers for that any day. I have had some luck with growing weed but your looks perfect not one blemish. Ill take some pics of my peppers tommorrow they are getting...
  10. Tr33top

    About Germinating Red Bell Seeds

    Yeah peppers do like it warm, um..... if possible get a heating mat and keep it under them that should help you out alot. As far as light cycles im not sure on that mines are outdoors but you can probably give them 18/6 hours or less as long as its more the 12/12 hours cuz that that trigures...
  11. Tr33top

    About Germinating Red Bell Seeds

    LOL I use FERRY~MORSE Organic Seed Starter Mix, and i get my seeds from frutis and veggies I but at the grocery store. To me the peppers were easy but just grew very very slow. I have only had problems with Strawberrys and oranges but ive got 5 orange plants but still no luck on those...
  12. Tr33top

    About Germinating Red Bell Seeds

    first off thanks for the rep,well what i did was just throw some seeds in a cup of dirt no special germination tricks or anything let them pop up on there own. That seemed like eternity but eventually they did come up. I think 3 to 4 weeks is more then enough time for them to pop up, I had a...
  13. Tr33top

    About Germinating Red Bell Seeds

    Hey man I think you have done everything right bell peppers just grow slow as hell
  14. Tr33top

    Big crystally things on leaves and now buds....?

    Sugar coated Buds and Leaves are always a good thing.
  15. Tr33top

    attitude site

    The freebies are great, you can get alot for spending just a little if you order at the right time. Plus the freebies also alow you to try out other strains for free. Who doesent like FREE!
  16. Tr33top

    Name that deficiency. (pics)

    Looks like nute burn but dont flush it will just make thing worse, everytime you water them your actually feeding them. I would recommend just watering them as you were doing before. You may not need to give them food for another month or two since MG already has some in it.
  17. Tr33top

    light wiring question

    Use extension chords cut of the end that does not plug into the wall, strip some off the plastic around the wire so that some bare wire is exposed. Then connect to the lamp holder, place a bulb in to make sure it works then decide how you want your lights set up either in a series or parallel...
  18. Tr33top

    tigers garden! - bagseed/mix chrondo seeds soil/hydro

    lol thats a pretty sick looking plant its like a mini xmas tree.
  19. Tr33top

    tigers garden! - bagseed/mix chrondo seeds soil/hydro

    looking good, dam that hydro plant is a monster, plus it has so many budsites you should be able to pull a ounce of that one. Congrats on the females.
  20. Tr33top

    Anyone recieve their february freebies from attitude?

    Yeahh My beans Have Arrived Im So Excited Cant Wait To Get Them Started ATTITUDE ROCKS.