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  1. N

    One Week Left and Massive + Bud Pics

    well, that extra week was the worst decision i have ever made. By the worst luck ever, my Mom decided to get a conscious three days ago and destroyed everything that had to do with weed. Plants, seeds, clones, bongs... she missed like a dime size bag of shake and a piece in my car so i loaded...
  2. N

    HID aint got shit on CFL

    Well at this point i dont know if anyone even knows the topic but i thought i would inform everyone anyway. my crop was completely destroyed. i got nothin.
  3. N

    One Week Left and Massive + Bud Pics

    Right? I think i will harvest the branches that are ready and wait until the others are ready.
  4. N

    HID aint got shit on CFL

    Quite honestly i would kill for a couple of HID's. I made all the fixtures for like 30 bucks, which was cheeper at the time. Then i started adding more and more light bulbs and realize it probably would have been cheaper to go with HID anyway. My last grow was awful so I'm just really happy i...
  5. N

    One Week Left and Massive + Bud Pics

    I was planing on harvesting tomorrow but they just keep growing:weed: what do you think? another week-ish...
  6. N

    HID aint got shit on CFL

    It sounds like people need to smoke more weed. I was high when I started the thread. I didn't even think about it
  7. N

    HID aint got shit on CFL

    like 15 in all. ranging from 300w to 40w. i was in the same place you were like three months ago but i couldnt be more happy with the result
  8. N

    One Week Left and Massive + Bud Pics

    I think i have something like 15 ranging from 300 to 60. all red spectrum. there in pots with dirt but im using hydroponic nutrients as there water.
  9. N

    HID aint got shit on CFL

    so there are 7 White Widow ladies from clone. i have them under shit ton of CFL's in a homemade fixture. i started flushing today. plan to harvest on Saturday. Sorry the pictures are so big Is this coloring on these leaves is good? this one is so...
  10. N

    One Week Left and Massive + Bud Pics

    there all white widow clones. i have them under a homemade cfl system. im blown away at how big they got
  11. N

    One Week Left and Massive + Bud Pics

    welp... this is an update to the last thread i posted. I started flushing them today, theres 7 of them. plan to harvest on Saturday. Im really fadded soooo i took a shit load of pictures, and for that same reason i will now post them all.... Sorry there so big Oh this coloring on these...
  12. N

    6 White Widow - 4 god knows?

    :shock: Does anyone have a towel? :bigjoint:
  13. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    Your hilarious. thanks for the props and the backup.
  14. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    Haha. I definitely did. When the iguana died, everything that was in the cage was taken out and it was wiped down with bleach. that was like a year ago. When i started the grow i completely sanitized it again.
  15. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    Today is the first day of week four. It seems like the growth spert has stopped and now comes the bud making.
  16. N

    need some ideas cheap

    Thats an awesome idea for a grow. If it were me, and because i like the idea of this so much it just might be. I would install maybe 4 fans in the sides. 2 blowing in 2 blowing out. Then wrap the inside with Mylar then take off the Plexiglas top. Use it as a template to cut a lid out of plywood...
  17. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    No pictures yet, but over the last three days the number of hairs has tripled and everyone has grown like two inches. Im thinking of adding lights on the front edge so the lower branches will be ready at the same time as the top. To much? Im so excited to see how they turn out!
  18. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    Two weeks down, six-ish to go. Went from 10 to 7 but it could be worse. Three males, ironically they were the 3 that came from non-feminized seeds. Left with all White Widow from clones. Every one looks healthy, no major concerns yet. Here are some pictures of the rejects
  19. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    I had to pull two plants yesterday. Fucking males. Of course, because they are males, they were my two biggest. But i think the ladies like the extra space, their already spreading out a little more. I think the next seeds I buy will be feminized.
  20. N

    Iguana Cage Grow

    Im a week and a half into flower. The smell is coming, and Im loving it. I think the one Big Bud I got to sprout is a male, but one out of 10 is not bad. cnymoeman I could not agree with you more. Its next on my wish list. Thanks for the posts, I get excited when see people have something to...